Supporting Trans and non-binary people

Motion on Trans Rights from Three Rivers Lib Dems

Council notes that Trans people face significant disadvantage in society. One in four Trans people report being discriminated against in work, over a third avoid expressing their gender through physical appearance in fear of being assaulted or harassed, and almost 50 per cent of Trans people have attempted suicide at some point in their lives (Trans Key Stats, Stonewall).

Council believes that:

  1. Trans men are men, Trans women are women, and that non-binary genders are valid.
  2. Trans people deserve respect and autonomy
  3. Transphobia has a hugely detrimental impact on the mental health and well-being of trans individuals
  4. It is our duty as community leaders who seek to create an open and tolerant society to speak out against transphobia and make clear it will not be tolerated.

 Council therefore resolves to:

1. Ensure that all Council services, both directly provided and through partners, are fully accessible to all, regardless of their sexuality or gender identity.

  1. Work to provide at least one gender neutral toilet where possible in every public building owned or operated by the Council, and encourage partners to do likewise.
  2. Ensure that the Council’s constitution, policies, forms, and all internal and external communications are gender neutral.
  3. Subject to the availability of and within existing resources, to create a network of informal LGBT allies across officers and councillors to support all members of the Three Rivers LGBT communities.