Citizen enabling and engagement

Solace Innovation and Commissioning Network has published a paper which suggests that ‘Outside-in' strategic planning and commissioning represents an inclusive and creative approach that can be defined as: ‘Working with communities, citizens, partners and the widest range of contributors to reimagine how to deliver the outcomes our society requires.'

The paper proposes that deeper engagement, co-production, co-creation and radical innovation are needed to ensure that local authorities are able to support their localities through the current period of austerity. And what we learn during austerity will help us to be even more effective when we emerge into better times.

Case study: Colchester Borough Council – Community Engagement Strategy

Colchester Borough Council is implementing a series of major changes to how they serve customers to enable the protection of services and achieve wider ambitions. This strategy sets out how they will encourage self-help and self-reliance to reduce cost and protect services.