LGA submission to Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government: The Future Homes Standard (February 2020)

The LGA supports local authorities in their ambition to tackle climate change and reduce carbon emissions across housing and all their business in the shift towards achieving net zero carbon.

The LGA welcomes the government’s proposals for new homes standards that will support achieving the UK’s commitment to bring all greenhouse gas emissions to net zero by 2050. By increasing the technical standards of new housing there is an opportunity to improve housing quality and tackle climate change, while also creating more resilient communities and growing the green building and skills sector.

The LGA supports in principle the proposed upgrades to the current Part L (Conservation of Fuel and Power) energy efficiency standards in 2020 for new homes, including wider impacts of Part L for new homes and changes to Part F (Ventilation). This will be essential in paving the way for the Future Homes Standard from 2025, and supporting the scaling up of low carbon technologies to decarbonise our existing housing stock. The LGA supports proposals to increase the quality and carbon neutrality of both new build and existing housing stock. This is part of the wider transition necessary to achieve net zero carbon across all sectors.

Local authorities are leading the way towards achieving net zero carbon, increasingly with ambitious plans to achieve this before the government’s 2050 target. The LGA strongly rejects any proposals that would restrict local planning authorities from setting higher energy efficiency standards for new homes. Many authorities have already been successful in achieving higher energy efficiency standards in new developments or requiring a financial contribution to a carbon offset fund where they are unable to meet more stringent standards. Restricting local authorities could stymie this progress.

Read the full submission

Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government: The Future Homes Standard.