Quarterly reporting tools

All OPE partnerships are required to complete a quarterly report to enable the monitoring of individual programmes. This section provides an overview of what is required and links to the reporting templates.

Partnerships are asked to complete the following documents as part of this process:

  • Quarterly progress report form (word document): This document asks partnerships to review progress to meet the pre-selection criteria, update on the status of projects, detail and risk and issues, update on engagement with other government departments and identify key asks.
  • Quarterly report Annex 1 (excel document): This document asks partnerships to provide an update on current expenditure, progression against the programme plan, benefits realised/changes to projected benefits and any changes to partnership governance.

OPE’s Benefits guidance document (PDF) supports the completion of the benefit tracker by providing an explanation for each of the benefits; capital receipts, reduced running costs, land for housing, new homes, jobs and inward investment and the types of supporting documents accepted when benefits are realised.

Quarter Ending *Report Sent to LA (w/c) *Report Deadline
June 2018 02 July Fri 13 July
September 2018 01 October Fri 12 October
December 2018 07 January Fri 18 January
March 2019 01 April Fri 12 April