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Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

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The Retention Reset Programme

The Retention Reset programme is a 10-week programme designed to improve retention practices and tackle common challenges across local authorities. The aim is to improve employment experiences amongst local government staff, with the view of retaining talent and skills.

Councillor e-learning

Expand your political leadership skills with our free e-learning platform for councillors.

Organisational abuse resources

The organisational abuse expert reference group was up to provide a forum for partners to share information, identify potential areas for development

Severe weather hub

Information for councils on how to respond during extreme conditions.

January 2021: Looking for a staffing solution to the world of 2021?

Helen Reeves, Programme Manager for Leadership at the LGA, reflects on the surge of graduate talent available to local government this year through the National Graduate Development Programme, and the role it can play as a catalyst for change in your organisation.