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Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

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The Retention Reset Programme

The Retention Reset programme is a 10-week programme designed to improve retention practices and tackle common challenges across local authorities. The aim is to improve employment experiences amongst local government staff, with the view of retaining talent and skills.

Bronze sponsor

Bronze sponsorship packages offer excellent branding opportunities and complimentary exhibition space.

Implementing digital social care records

This briefing is a summary of learning that can be used to have conversations about the benefits and challenges of implementing digital social care records, how to overcome barriers and to support and incentivise good practice. It is not formal guidance.

Joint statement: Strengthening adult social care and support for us all

A group of over 100 organisations set out the need for Government to work with the sector to mitigate the pressures on councils, providers and charities. They are ready to work with the Government, as equal partners, to bring about the long-term changes needed to build a care and support system that enables everyone to live the life they want to lead.