Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

Featured articles

Has taxonomy terms (with depth)

Audit, scrutiny and risk

The Centre for Governance and Scrutiny has published a guide to support members of council audit committees, and members of council scrutiny committees.

LGA corporate environmental policy

As the voice of local government, the LGA aims to lead by example. This policy sets out our commitment to tackling the climate and ecological emergency and the steps we will take in order to achieve this.

Video transcript: Joleen, Norwich

I'm Joleen Easterbrook. I have long red hair, I'm wearing a black sweater and a puffy black coat. We're sitting in my plant shop on Norwich Market. It

Debate Not Hate

Debating and disagreeing with one another is a healthy part of democracy, but abuse and intimidation crosses the line into dangerous territory. The right engagement matters.

Debate Not Hate: Campaign toolkit

Our new toolkit outlines different ways councils and councillors can support the Debate Not Hate campaign objectives and take action.