Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

Featured articles

Has taxonomy terms (with depth)

Best practice in tackling domestic abuse, 18 April 2024

Download the presentations from this webinar.

LGA corporate environmental policy

As the voice of local government, the LGA aims to lead by example. This policy sets out our commitment to tackling the climate and ecological emergency and the steps we will take in order to achieve this.

Challenge 3: Wiltshire Council

In March the LG Challenge 2024 cohort headed to the South West to tackle their third challenge, hosted by Wiltshire Council.

Data security

Maintain the confidentiality and availability of data to safeguard it from threats.

Data governance

Control data in line with legislative and organisational requirements.

Transformation capabilities: Data intelligence

Data needs to be used effectively to inform and prioritise transformation activity, to track progress and to provide service, customer and organisational insights that drive and enable evidence-based change.