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Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

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Spending Review 2025 submission: Letter to the Chancellor

We are proud to represent the interests of local government in England and the people it serves. It is against this backdrop that we are pleased to submit evidence on behalf of our members to inform Phase 2 of the Spending Review.

The Retention Reset Programme

The Retention Reset programme is a 10-week programme designed to improve retention practices and tackle common challenges across local authorities. The aim is to improve employment experiences amongst local government staff, with the view of retaining talent and skills.

Be a Councillor guide for employers and employees

Councillors make a huge difference in our local communities and to wider society and it is crucial that people from all backgrounds and experiences have the opportunity to take up the role, including those of working age from a variety of job types and industries.

Empowering women: the importance of cervical cancer awareness and early detection

Each year, more than 3,200 women are diagnosed with cervical cancer in the UK. This type of cancer can affect people at any age with over 800 losing their lives to the disease. The primary cause of cervical cancer is the human papillomavirus (HPV), which is preventable through vaccination. Early detection through regular cervical screenings, commonly known as smear tests, can significantly reduce the incidence and mortality rates associated with this cancer.