Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

Featured articles

Has taxonomy terms (with depth)

Audit, scrutiny and risk

The Centre for Governance and Scrutiny has published a guide to support members of council audit committees, and members of council scrutiny committees.

LGA corporate environmental policy

As the voice of local government, the LGA aims to lead by example. This policy sets out our commitment to tackling the climate and ecological emergency and the steps we will take in order to achieve this.

Corporate Peer Challenge feedback report: Bolsover District Council

Bolsover District Council received an LGA Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) in November 2019. The purpose of the CPC follow-up in November 2021 was to help the council take stock of progress made against the recommendations identified in the peer team’s November 2019 report. This follow-up report is a written summary of key observations and suggestions made by the peer team as part of its visit in November 2021.


Effective procurement, underpinned by commissioning, has never been more important for local government. Increasing demand for public services and decreasing resources are driving councils to improve productivity and efficiency to deliver better outcomes for local people.