Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

Featured articles

Has taxonomy terms (with depth)

Preparation for Assurance Peer Challenge Report: Gloucestershire County Council

Final report: September 2023

Challenge 3: Wiltshire Council

In March the LG Challenge 2024 cohort headed to the South West to tackle their third challenge, hosted by Wiltshire Council.

Financial resilience in children’s services

Alongside the wider LGA corporate finance offer, we have a specific offer to help local authorities to better understand the use of resources and capacity across children’s services and the impact of this on budgets.

Cyber security and resilience blueprint series

The LGA is developing a series of blueprints to support councils review and establish their strategic and operational approach to managing their cyber defences and bolstering their resilience plans in the event of a cyber-attack.

LGA Behavioural Insights Programme 2022/23

During 2022/23, groups of neighbouring local authorities ran behavioural insights trials to reduce demand on public services in their local area by addressing a local behavioural challenge.

What governing boards and headteachers should expect from each other

Getting governance right is important because of the significant impact it has on the quality of educational provision and the opportunity and life chances of children. This joint guidance aims to help governing boards and headteachers to get governance right by working together, being mutually supportive and respecting each other’s roles and responsibilities.

What multi academy trust boards and CEOs should expect from each other

Getting governance right is important because of the significant impact it has on the quality of educational provision and the opportunity and life chances of children. This joint guidance aims to help multi academy trust boards and CEOs to get governance right by working together, being mutually supportive and respecting each other’s roles and responsibilities.