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Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

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Spending Review 2025

The LGA's Spending Review 2025 submission outlines the important contribution of councils and how they have a vital role to play in the Government’s reform and growth agenda. But councils can only deliver if we are given the necessary financial stability as Government makes decisions about the nation’s finances.

July 2023: Work Foundation blog - Disability Pride month

Aman Navani is an Analyst at the Work Foundation where he contributes to the research on insecure work in the UK. To mark Disability Pride Month, he gives us an insight into the research he is doing on the disability employment gap and what we, as employers, can do to change it.

July 2023: Disability Confident - Join the Movement

​​​​​​​For July’s Disability Pride Month, Grant Neems, Stakeholder Engagement Director at Ingeus, discusses simple steps to being Disability Confident, the free support available to councils, and the new research capturing employers’ attitudes to disability.