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Local Government Association

We are the national voice of local government, working with councils to support, promote and improve

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Adding extra years to life and extra life to those years

Over the last century, life expectancy has dramatically increased in the UK. But the portion of life we spend in poor health is getting worse, meaning we spend more years in poor health than at any point in history. Moreover, significant inequity continues to exist across and within our communities. Councillor David Fothergill argues that if we tackle this head on, we can help ensure that not only do we add extra years to life but extra life to those years.

Cold weather – protecting the most vulnerable

As the chill of winter approaches, everyone needs to prepare for the colder temperatures, Councillor David Fothergill discusses how a long-term strategic approach is needed by health and wellbeing boards, integrated care systems, directors of public health and commissioners to assess needs and to commission, plan and implement interventions, to reduce deaths attributed to periods of extreme cold.

Active Communities Hub

This online hub highlights good practice in the delivery of sport, physical activity and leisure services by councils and their partners to reduce inequalities and improve physical activity levels in the least active communities.