The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.
The Government must go further with its reforms of Right to Buy (RTB) to give local authorities more flexibility and control over how the scheme operates locally amid rising demand to buy homes through the scheme since Autumn Budget discount changes, the Local Government Association says today.
With more than 123,000 households in temporary accommodation and more than 1.33 million households on a social housing waiting list, we are facing a chronic shortage of social housing. It has become increasingly impossible for local authorities to replace homes as quickly as they are being sold under
“Greater, long-term funding certainty for local highways authorities is needed to tackle the multi-billion pound local roads backlog, as this report recommends."
“The Committee is right to describe the failing SEND system as an emergency, and its report reflects councils’ long-standing concerns over the need for more inclusive provision and the immense financial pressures on councils to be adequately addressed.
“The announcement of an independent review of adult social care marks a potentially important step in addressing the significant challenges facing the sector."
“This extra £500 million for local roads is helpful, but we would ask government to reconsider its decision to hold back a quarter of this funding, in order to give councils the greater certainty they need."
Eve Roodhouse, currently Interim Director of Strategy and Reform at the Local Government Association (LGA), will permanently join the LGA’s Strategic Leadership team as Director of Strategy and Policy.
“Extra funding for councils next year will help councils meet some - but not all - of the pressures they face in adult and children’s social care, homelessness prevention and support for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities."