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Leeds City Council: Leeds Food Aid Network

The is a strong partnership approach to tackling food insecurity in Leeds, crucial to the city's response to the pandemic.

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Background and project details

For many years there has been a strong partnership approach to tackling food insecurity in Leeds. This includes the Leeds Food Aid Network (which brings together a wide range of food aid organisations), FareShare Yorkshire, Rethink Food and Foodwise, working in collaboration with colleagues from across the council, universities, businesses & the third sector.  

The depth of the experience and the strength of the partnership was crucial in the city’s response to the pandemic. The Leeds Food Insecurity Taskforce has been established bringing together a wide range of organisations to build and strengthen the city’s approach across all sectors. The aim of the taskforce is to provide a forum to aid the development of long term and sustainable approaches to tackling food insecurity in Leeds which reduces the need for crisis support and food banks. 
