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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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“Your Call”: Blackburn with Darwen Borough Council

“Your Call” is a partnership with residents which empowers both individuals and groups to volunteer and support the council to deliver vital services.

View all Efficiency and income generation articles

‘We Care Academy’ Leeds City Council  

Leeds City Council has a clear focus on the social care workforce, its aim is to support the social care workforce to have the best skills, founded upon high quality research and evidence that improves the health and wellbeing of the people of Leeds. In order to deliver an effective, skilled social care workforce in Leeds, the DASS has invested in the organisational and workforce development team to deliver a range of services.

View allAdult social care articles

‘Out There’ international festival of street arts and circus, Great Yarmouth

An annual street arts and circus festival attracting more than 40,000 attendees to Great Yarmouth every September, supporting the visitor economy and creative sector development in the town. This case study forms part of the Value of culture - regeneration section of our online Culture Hub.

‘Mapping Suffolk’s Stories’ - highlighting the national and global relevance of Suffolk's collections

‘Mapping Suffolk’s Stories’ is a community engagement project helping people to explore their shared history through historic maps and records.

‘Illuminate’ – Shining the light on young peoples’ voices

A partnership was formed between Blackpool’s Children's Services and Blackpool’s Grand Theatre. After consultation with young people experiencing life in care; the ‘Illuminate’ project was co-produced.

View allCulture articles

‘Explore York Libraries and Archives Mutual’ – an industrial and provident society with charitable status

Explore is a mutual organisation which runs library services on behalf of the City of York Council.

View all Efficiency and income generation articles

‘Energetic Lifestyles’: Engaging young people in the development and implementation of carbon reduction initiatives

The Energetic Lifestyles project explored young people’s perspectives, in establishing an improved understanding of the perceptions and barriers to energy efficient behaviours among young people and ethnically diverse communities.

‘Doing it together’- closing the gap on speech, language and communication in the early years

North Tyneside Council's project to improve speech, language and communication in the early years of a child’s life has helped to reduce the gap between socio-economically disadvantaged children and their peers.

View allChildren and young people articles
View allEarly Years articles

Zero carbon Manchester

In our webinar ‘Climate change: what next for local authorities?’, Manchester City Council set out the communications work it is undertaking to help make Manchester a zero carbon city by 2038.

View all Communications support articles

Zero Carbon Communities Programme, South Cambridgeshire District Council

South Cambridgeshire District Council set up the Zero Carbon Communities (ZCC) Grant scheme to harness local action and enthusiasm, build local community networks and to enable this through a consistent and sustainable funding approach.