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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Cheshire and Merseyside: tackling health inequalities across a region

For Cheshire and Merseyside, as with many Marmot Places, the COVID-19 pandemic sparked collective action across the region’s nine local authorities to address and tackle existing and deepening health inequalities.

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Building back fairer: Manchester’s marmot approach

In 2019, the Greater Manchester Health and Social Care Partnership, already conscious of the persisting health inequalities across its region, commissioned the UCL Institute of Health Equity (IHE) to help establish a Marmot City Region, focussing on reducing health inequalities in the social determinants of health.

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Coventry City Council: over a decade of commitment to the Marmot principles

Coventry became the first ‘Marmot City’ in 2013 after approaching the UCL Institute of Health Equity for support in reducing health inequalities in the city.

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Oxfordshire County Council: tackling hidden inequalities

Every Marmot Place is different. Factors such as geography, demography or the economy impact on the social determinants of health and in turn the local population.

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Luton Borough Council: reducing health inequalities in the first Marmot Town

Luton, a town with a population of 225,300, is a diverse community where 55 per cent of residents come from ethnic minority backgrounds.

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Waltham Forest: progressing health equity in a London Borough

The impact of the pandemic persuaded Waltham Forest to undertake a focussed piece of work on health and equity, leading to a local Marmot report produced by the UCL Institute of Health Equity.

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CQC assurance: your workforce is going to tell your best story

The importance of effective communication, developing a shared narrative and positive partnership work during Hertfordshire County Council’s CQC assurance preparation and assessment.

Spotlight case study: Greater Manchester

This provides an overview of the two key programmes in Greater Manchester, Dementia United and the local Discharge Frontrunner programme.

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Dementia United: Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership’s programme for dementia

In Greater Manchester, system leaders are committed to making a difference in the experience of dementia and delirium. Dementia United is Greater Manchester Integrated Care Partnership’s programme for dementia which also includes the Delirium Programme.

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Discharge Integration Frontrunner Programme: Dementia, deconditioning and discharge – improving care for people with dementia across an acute hospital pathway in Salford, Bury, Rochdale and Oldham

The Discharge Integration Frontrunner Programme was initiated by NHS England as a set of six national test sites to improve hospital discharge.

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