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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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‘Doing it together’- closing the gap on speech, language and communication in the early years

North Tyneside Council's project to improve speech, language and communication in the early years of a child’s life has helped to reduce the gap between socio-economically disadvantaged children and their peers.

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Zero Carbon Communities Programme, South Cambridgeshire District Council

South Cambridgeshire District Council set up the Zero Carbon Communities (ZCC) Grant scheme to harness local action and enthusiasm, build local community networks and to enable this through a consistent and sustainable funding approach.

Youth-Led Solutions: Cllr Claire Mascarenhas and St Neots' Mental Health Initiative

In response to rising mental health concerns and a lack of facilities for young people in St Neots, Cllr Claire Mascarenhas spearheaded a community-driven initiative. This included hiring a dedicated Youth Worker, involving young people in the recruitment process, and securing additional funding to further support local youth mental health needs.

Youth Voice Post Boxes in East Suffolk Council

Youth Voice is a project taking place in East Suffolk, in the East of England. The initiative forms part of East Suffolk Council’s enabling communities strategy, and is run by the Communities Team.

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Youth Spaces and Early Help in Waltham Forest

Waltham Forest Council has established a dynamic, youth-focused initiative to provide young people (aged 11-25) with free, accessible spaces and activities that address not only crime prevention but also broader issues such as poverty, anti-social behaviour (ASB), and mental health.

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Youth Offending Service Prevention - Staffordshire County Council

Staffordshire’s Youth Offending Service prevention project is focused on identifying those children and young people who face much poorer outcomes than their counterparts and intervening early with bespoke projects to help them thrive.

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Youth Offending Service prevention

Staffordshire’s Youth Offending Service prevention project is focused on identifying those children and young people who face much poorer outcomes than their counterparts and intervening early with bespoke projects to help them thrive.

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York: promoting and supporting voices in the community

This case study is an example of the practical use of asset-based approaches in communities.

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York Life Festival

York Life is a new, free music festival for York. Funded by City of York Council (CYC) through the UK Government’s Additional Restrictions Grants and organised by a partnership between Make It York and York Music Venues Network.

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Working with young fathers

In Salford and Gateshead, projects have been run to support young fathers and help them deal with the challenges they face. This case study is an example of the work that councils are doing to support young parents.

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