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Case studies

Innovation in local government is about improving the lives of the people in our communities. Browse through our case studies to see the many innovative programmes councils are involved in.

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Bespoke support – Peterborough City Council

Peterborough City Council is a small unitary authority, which, even before the COVID-19 pandemic, was facing significant financial challenges.

Evidence for contribution of CTS to economy

This is a list of validated national and international evidence that may support your outcomes triangle and logic model for the economy.

Gloucestershire County Council: managing finances to improve services

Over the past decade, Gloucestershire County Council has been on an important journey, successfully managing finances so it could invest in the areas that really matter.

Hertfordshire County Council: Budget scrutiny and budgetary constraints

At the budget scrutiny, a task and finish group approach is adopted. Each portfolio is scrutinised by a small group of members over a dedicated period, providing opportunity for focused challenge and questioning.

Holistic Approach to Debt Recovery

In June 2024, Runnymede Borough Council implemented a Corporate Debt & Financial Inclusion pilot programme to improve debt collection efficiency and support vulnerable residents. Key milestones included developing a business case, reviewing the Enforcement Agent contract, securing budget approval, and implementing new software.

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Performance indicators: measuring the contribution of culture and sport to local economy

The following examples suggest ideas to help you create a culture and sport outcomes framework for an economic theme.

Using behavioural insights to collect council tax collection – Medway Council

Medway Council increased council tax collection rates by using behaviourally-informed reminder letters.

View all Efficiency and income generation articles

Using behavioural insights to convert taxpayers to direct debit – Medway Council

Medway Council worked with the Behavioural Insights Team to increase the number of council tax payers signed up to direct debit.

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Using behavioural insights to redesign and rethink council tax registration

Dacorum Borough Council moved its Council Tax registration process from paper-based to online, and in the process used behavioural insights to redesign the layout and wording of the applications.

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