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Electric Vehicle Taxi transition

Air Quality reviews locally identified taxi emissions as a significant source of air pollution within the Cambridge Air Quality Management area.

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Go Ultra Low Oxford

Run by Oxford City Council and Oxfordshire County Council, the Go Ultra Low Oxford project is trialling six types of charging infrastructure over 12 months to assess their suitability for on-street charging in residential areas. Case Study provided by the Energy Saving Trust.

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Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle Network

Transport for Greater Manchester (TfGM) established the Greater Manchester Electric Vehicle (GMEV) Network in 2013. The network offers free charging for a nominal membership fee, with the costs being absorbed by TfGM. It was decided that the network required a technological renewal and strategic expansion if it were to support the mass adoption of electric vehicles (EVs) across the region and play a central role in improving air quality.

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Lane rental - Kent County Council

Kent has trialled the concept of lane rental to reduce the amount of time taken by roadworks on important roads.

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Leeds City Council: Fleet transition to zero emission – home charging

Leeds’ Fleet Replacement programme is designed to identify the lowest emission vehicle available when needing to be replaced. Where possible, this means electric vehicles (EVs) as the default option, however this requires appropriate charging point facilities to support this change. When vehicles are identified as suitable for EV replacement, details of their depot locations are mapped and collated and they’re then replaced, however this was not always straightforward as this case study by Leeds City Council and the Energy Saving Trust explains.

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Mobility as a service – TfWM

Transport for West Midlands are working with a technology provider to investigate ways they can make travelling across the regime in different types of transport a seamless experience.

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West Midlands Combined Authority: Building an exemplar region for Disabled people

The ambition for the West Midlands has now been reframed away from a narrow focus on sport to an ambition to becoming an exemplary region for Disabled people across the board.

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