Where could I work?

Discover more about the councils who will employ Pathways to Planning graduates.

Potential candidates in logo

As a new graduate programme, Pathways to Planning will have two overlapping cohorts: Cohort 1, who started work in spring 2024, and Cohort 2, who will be starting work in September 2024. Each cohort will have a distinct set of councils who will be employing graduate planners through the Pathways scheme.

All councils who take part in the Pathways to Planning programme have agreed to provide varied work experience, mentoring and support to their graduate planners. They will also provide time off work to study and a fully-funded postgraduate qualification in Planning. Salary and other employment terms will vary, but these will be completely outlined to candidates before you select where you would prefer to interview.

Cohort 2 council partners


North West

Yorkshire and Humber

 East Midlands

West Midlands


East of England

South West

South East

We will have up to five places available in Wales for cohort 2. Final locations will be confirmed closer to the time and candidates’ preferences will be involved in selecting those who take part.