Resetting the relationship between local and national government. Read our Local Government White Paper
Frequently asked questions related to COVID-19.
Contents A-Z
Business rate relief and support for business
Community safety
Deaths management
Domestic abuse
Employment law and workforce
Finance and the economy
Mental health, mental capacity, isolation and wellbeing
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Public health
Test, track and outbreak management
Waste and recycling
Business rate relief and support for business
The MHCLG guidance (Annex A) states that properties that will benefit from the relief will be occupied hereditaments that are wholly or mainly being used:
- as shops, restaurants, cafes, drinking establishments, cinemas and live music venues
- for assembly and leisure;
- as hotels, guest & boarding premises and self-catering accommodation.
Paragraphs 11 to 14 give examples of these uses.
Annex A para 9 of the guidance gives the following examples of uses that the Government does not consider to be an eligible use for the purpose of this relief.
- Properties used to provide financial services (e.g. banks, building societies, cash points, bureaux de change, short-term loan providers), medical services (e.g. vets, dentists, doctors, osteopaths, chiropractors), professional services (e.g. solicitors, accountants, insurance agents/ financial advisers), or post office sorting offices.
- Properties not reasonably accessible to visiting members of the public
- Properties occupied by the billing authority or a preceptor.
The list set out in the guidance is intended to be a guide for authorities as to the types of uses that the Government considers to qualify for relief. Annex A para 6 says that authorities should determine for themselves whether particular properties not listed are ‘broadly similar in nature’ to those to those listed in the guidance, if so, to consider them eligible for the relief. Conversely, properties that are not broadly similar in nature to those listed above should not be eligible for the relief.
It is the understanding of the LGA that builders’ merchants and similar that provide sale of goods or services "to visiting members of the public" from accessible store units qualify under the definition set out in Annex A para 2 of the guidance. This is because they are 'broadly similar in nature' to the examples given in that paragraph, which include hardware stores.”
The Government publishes a regular series of Business Rates Information Letters which provide links to the latest guidelines and developments.
No cash caps apply for the period from 1 April to 30 June 2021. For the period after 1 July 2021, cash caps apply. Details can be found in the guidance (paragraphs 19-23 and Annex B).
Two business grants apply to the financial year 2021/22
Under the Restart Grant scheme, Local Authorities received Government funding to be allocated in one-off grants to businesses. Grants of up to £6,000 were paid to non-essential retail business premises, to help them reopen safely. Grants of up to £18,000 were allocated to hospitality, accommodation, leisure, personal care and gym business premises, which opened later. Around £3 billion was due to be delivered to businesses in this way. The application closure date for this scheme was 30 June 2021 and final payments were to be made by 31 July 2021.
The ARG funding scheme aims to support businesses severely impacted by coronavirus restrictions. Local Authorities are encouraged to support businesses from all sectors that may have been severely impacted by restrictions but are not eligible for the Restart Grant scheme, including those outside of the business rates system.
Following the decision to delay stage 4 of the roadmap, Local Authorities were also encouraged to focus their support on those sectors that remain closed or were severely impacted by the extended restrictions, even if those businesses had already been in receipt of Restart Grants.
There is no restriction on the number of grants a business may receive. This may include but is not limited to the travel and tourism sector, including group travel, travel agents and tour operators, wedding industries, nightclubs, theatres, events industries, wholesalers, English language schools, breweries, freelance and mobile businesses (including caterers, events, hair, beauty and wedding related businesses), and other businesses that may have not received other grant funding. This list is not directive nor exhaustive, and Local Authorities should continue to issue grants at their discretion, based on local economic needs.
£1.6 billion was distributed to councils and can be used across Financial Years 20/21 and 21/22. A top up of £425 million top-up was announced in the 2021 Budget; authorities could access this subject to spending their existing allocations of ARG by 30 July 2021.
Community safety
To support councils in enforcing the requirement for many types of businesses to close, the Office for Product Safety and Standards (OPSS) has issued updated guidance for councils on the enforcement of premises closures and has produced a template prohibition notice for councils to use in relation to businesses opening in breach of the emergency regulations.
Template notices have been made available to heads of service, can be accessed via the information sharing platform the knowledge hub or by emailing OPSS on [email protected]
We are aware that councils have been receiving requests from a range of businesses which can no longer operate, asking for dispensations on licence fees.
The LGA has raised this with the Home Office and Gambling Commission. Our understanding is that Government will not be directing councils to refund licence fees, so this will be a local decision.
The LGA has published a note for licensing teams to address licensing issues that councils have raised with us which includes examples of approaches to licence fees that councils may want to consider.
During the pandemic landlords remain legally obligated to ensure properties meet the required standard, and that urgent, essential health and safety repairs are made.
The Health and Safety Executive has published guidance setting out detailed advice on undertaking gas safety checks in a range of scenarios (for example, in households containing residents who fall into the Government’s vulnerable people category, shielded category or who are self-isolating for 14 days) and on testing equipment which can be found here and here. The Gas Safe Register’s website is also a source of other general advice and advice for vulnerable and shielded residents.
The Government has also published non-statutory guidance on the enforcement of standards in the private and social rented sector.
The Government has announced a series of reforms to the building safety system, including the remediation of unsafe cladding and the requirements for mandatory sprinkler systems in all new blocks to be reduced.
The Secretary of State, Robert Jenrick, and local leaders from city regions have pledged that essential safety work to replace unsafe cladding on high-rise buildings will continue during the COVID-19 emergency. The Government’s sector-specific advice for the construction industry aims to ensure those working on site are given clear information and support to guarantee their own safety as well as limiting the spread of infection.
In April MHCLG wrote to stakeholders, giving more detail on the £1 billion funding for the removal of non-ACM cladding. In this letter, MHCLG urges councils who have not completed data collection on external wall systems of buildings over 18 metres to do so as soon as possible
Deaths Management
The Government has issued guidance on care of the deceased with suspected or confirmed coronavirus. There is separate guidance on managing funerals during the coronavirus pandemic (see question 10).
The guidance on care of the deceased with confirmed or suspected coronavirus aims to ensure that the bodies of those who have died as a result of coronavirus are treated with sensitivity, respect and dignity and that those who work in funeral services and mourners are protected from infection
It is strongly advised that mourners not come into close contact with deceased individuals with suspected or confirmed COVID-19, including through rituals or other practices. Faith leaders have been consulted on these matters and contributed to the guidance.
The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA) has notified local authorities in England that the emergency clauses (para 5.31-5.38) within the Process Guidance Note Statutory Guidance for Crematoria have now been activated. In May 2021 the emergency clauses were deactivated. The guidance outlines specific preparations which should be made to cope with the potential challenges of COVID-19 and suggests that local authorities should take a balanced view on enforcement at this time. These specific paragraphs are issued as a precautionary measure in the event of a national emergency giving rise to mass fatalities. They cover good practice on supplies, calling upon trained staff and managing staff shortages, planning for potential breakdowns and mitigating air emissions.
As regulators of crematoria local authorities must ensure that crematoria operators in their area are informed of this and are aware of the guidance. Local authorities who operate their own crematoria will also need to be aware of the change. DEFRA will inform local authorities when the emergency clauses are deactivated.
The Government has also advised that, as the current number of cremations taking place is substantially above the national average, there will be a three-month moratorium on periodic monitoring of crematoria. This moratorium will stand, subject to a review in June 2020.
Further questions regarding emissions monitoring of crematoria can be emailed to Defra at [email protected].
Transportation of bodies is normally undertaken by funeral directors, though NHS ambulances, private ambulances and hospital porters also provide some body transportation. There are a range of different pieces of legalisation employers would need to consider when employees carry out body transport including the need for appropriate PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). The Government Guidance on Care of the deceased includes some information on appropriate PPE for handling bodies and should be read in conjunction with the:
- Health and Safety Executive (HSE) guidance: Managing infection risks when handling the deceased, which details the standard infection control precautions and transmission-based precautions that should be followed in all occupational settings
- Association of Anatomical Pathology Technology (AAPT) and Royal College of Pathologists (RCPath) guidance Transmission-based precautions: Guidance for care of the deceased during COVID-19 pandemic, which details the PPE required for Transmission Based Precautions that can be used by any professional involved in the care of the deceased
The LGA is aware that there have been concerns around the availability of body bags and the LGA amongst others has highlighted this with Government.
The Government management of a funeral guidance says that mourners should not take part in rituals or practices that bring them into close contact with the body. It states that where there are aspects of faith which include close contact with the deceased, that contact should be restricted to those who are wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) under the supervision of someone who is trained in appropriate use of PPE. The Government guidance on care of the deceased sets out the appropriate levels of PPE necessary when undertaking personal care of the deceased. These guidelines should be followed in any setting where these activities are taking place.
In terms of washing and shrouding for Muslims, the Muslim Council of Britain advice is that no one over the age of 60 should be taking part and that those involved should wear PPE. They suggest that areas should designate specific facilities in central locations for washing and that volunteers should be organised to do this work. This would allow for proper process of disinfecting spaces and disposing of medical waste. Muslims believe that burials should take place within 24 hours of death and this kind of set up would support these processes.
The Government guidance on funerals strongly advises that given the significant risks to vulnerable and extremely vulnerable people from COVID-19, they should have no contact with the body of the deceased.
Blackburn Council has supported the local community by inspecting the facilities and by putting out a joint statement with the local religious organisation to outline their approach.
As a result of the Coronavirus Act 2020 there have been a number of changes to death certification, including what forms are now not necessary, who can fill out particular forms, and what the medical referee should look at the crematoria.
The Cremation Regulations guidance for medical referees have been updated to reflect the temporary changes to the Cremation (England and Wales) Regulations 2008 provided for in the Coronavirus Act 2020 which came in to force on 26 March. The Cremation Regulations guidance for funeral directors have also been updated in the same way. Both include the removal of Cremation Form 5 (otherwise known as the confirmatory medical certificate), which is longer necessary.
The Guidance for doctors completing the medical certificates for cause of death in England and Wales has also been amended to include changes which were included in the Coronavirus Act 2020, in particular relating to who can sign the certificate.
The Chief Coroner has issued guidance to all coroners on how to manage the provision of coroners services during the outbreak, including advice that senior coroners should ensure that they are familiar with their Local Resilience Forums plans and any local issues.
The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) Regulation 2020 introduced on the 23 March originally stated that “a person who is responsible for a crematoria or burial ground must ensure that, during the emergency period, the crematorium is closed to members of the public, except for funerals and burials.” This caused some confusion as to whether cemeteries and crematoria grounds should be open or closed.
The regulation was amended in April to remove references to burial grounds and to clarify that the regulation does not apply to crematoria grounds. The regulation now reads:
(8) Subject to (8A) a person responsible for a crematorium must ensure that, during the emergency period, the crematorium is closed to members of the public, except for funerals or burials.
(8A) Paragraph (8) does not apply to the grounds surrounding a crematorium, including any burial ground or garden of remembrance.
At the same time MHCLG confirmed that, in their view, cemeteries and burial grounds should be open for people to pay their respects. Local authorities will need to make decisions about opening or closing cemeteries and burial grounds to ensure they continue to fulfil their duties under all relevant legislation, including the current requirement to maintain social distancing.
The LGA has received a number of queries about remote or video supervision of the operation of cremators and have consulted the Federation of Burial and Cremation Authorities and the Institute of Cemetery and Crematoria Management. Both organisations have stated that it would not be expected that remote supervision should be used, except as a last resort in exceptional and short term circumstances, and subject to the consultations discussed below and approval from the consultees. Several other options should be explored before any move is made towards remote supervision, including:
Bringing back retired qualified operators (as long as they are not in the self-isolation category); some training may be required to reacquaint the retired operator with the cremation equipment Asking neighbouring authorities for help (or private operator – which may incur fees) Seeking support from organisations/agencies that offer qualified cremator technicians Training other members of staff, either within Bereavement Services, or from another authority department that may not be able to carry out their usual role.
If the cremators being supervised via video have a dial in facility, the manufacturer should be asked to dial in periodically to check nothing untoward is happening.
Both the ICCM and FBCA are aware of concerns about crematoria workforce, in particular that there may not be enough qualified crematorium technicians to manage increases in demand due to staff illness or self-isolation, and have adapted their qualification processes to try and support people to qualify as crematoria technicians during the COVID-19 crisis. More information can be found by emailing the organisations (FBCA [email protected] and ICCM [email protected])
If none of these solutions are feasible, before implementing any video supervision of cremators, authorities should consult with their health and safety and insurance teams. They should also check their operating permit and talk to the person responsible for enforcing it, usually their Environmental Health Officer.
The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has published Statutory Guidance for Schedule 28 of the Coronavirus Act, which relates to new powers for local and national authorities around the transportation, storage and disposal of dead bodies. The guidance is aimed at local authorities and covers each part of Schedule.
Part 1 of the Schedule relates to the powers of local authorities to require persons, or government to require local authorities, to provide information for the purposes of ascertaining capacity to deal with transportation, storage and disposal of dead bodies.
Part 2 of the Schedule relates to the powers of direction which may be available to local authorities and government to help those areas deemed to be at or nearing capacity limits in terms of transportation, storage or disposal. These powers are not available for use unless a local authority is designated by the Secretary of State or the Minister for the Cabinet Office. We do not expect this to be either a) frequently used or b) used without prior discussion with the local authority concerned.
Part 3 of the Schedule relates to powers for government to direct local authorities themselves if they consider that a local authority has failed to exercise its functions related to the death management process. The guidance also outlines the process by which government will make the directions and how they will make decisions to direct local authorities.
Part 4 of the Schedule describes local authorities’ obligation to have regard to the person’s wishes, religion or beliefs when using the Part 2 powers, particularly with reference to the preferred method of final committal. The guidance outlines reasonable steps which local authorities should take to ensure the deceased’s wishes are adhered to and circumstances where a local authority might make a direction against a person’s wishes though these are expected to happen only in exceptional circumstances. Many local authorities across the country are already in contact with local religious and faith groups to meet ensure there is a shared understanding of the requirements of Part 4.
Updated guidance has been published by the Government on how to manage funeral provision (the previous guidance was published in March). The aim of the guidance is to ensure that the bereaved are treated with sensitivity, dignity and respect while protecting mourners and workers from infection.
The guidance (which, unlike Schedule 28, is not statutory) reiterates that communities, organisations and individuals should continue to act to reduce the risk of transmission among mourners using social distancing, and that funerals should not be delayed.
It also states that the bereaved should be able to attend if they wish, although the number of mourners should be minimised as far as possible and venue managers may set caps on numbers to ensure social distancing is observed. The guidance suggests that household members and close family members should be able to attend, within social distancing limits, and that close friends should be allowed to attend if family are unable to do so.
According to the Guidance those who have symptoms of COVID-19 must not attend services, but the extremely clinically vulnerable group and those self-isolating due to someone in their household having symptoms of COVID-19 should be supported to attend with measures put in place to reduce the risk of infection or transmission. It also includes guidance on measures that venue managers should put in place to reduce the likelihood of transmission among all mourners, whether they are clinically vulnerable or not.
Domestic abuse
If you or someone else is in immediate danger, please call 999 and ask for the police. Silent calls will work if you are not safe to speak – use the Silent Solution system and call 999 and then press 55.
Guidance on the Silent Solution
If it is not an emergency, you can contact the National Domestic Abuse Helpline 24-hours a day, for free and in confidence: 0808 2000 247
The Helpline adviser will offer confidential, non-judgmental information and expert support.
The Helpline is free to call. It uses the services of Language Line to provide access to interpreters for non-English-speaking callers. The Helpline can also access the BT Type Talk Service for deaf or hard-of-hearing callers
The LGA has produced guidance, which gathers in one place current guidance from the Government, LGA and sector-based organisations.
There is also guidance that highlights support available for domestic abuse victims during the Coronavirus pandemic.
Surviving Economic Abuse has produced guidance on recognising and supporting victims of economic abuse while self-isolating, as well as practical issues including benefits and sick pay. The guidance is being updated regularly as the situation changes.
The Government has published guidance for local authorities on children’s social care during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Any frontline professionals working with vulnerable children or speaking with them on a regular basis will be assessing risk within the home and taking appropriate action. Similarly, where professionals such as the police are working with a family experiencing domestic abuse, risk assessments should be taking place to establish whether it is safe and appropriate for any children to remain in the household.
The following resources are available to provide advice and support for those with concerns about children or young people:
- The NSPCC helpline is available for advice and support for anyone with concerns about a child. Telephone 0808 800 5000 and email [email protected] The NSPCC has issued guidance for spotting and reporting the signs
- Childline provides help and support to children and young people. Telephone 0800 1111
- Barnardo’s provide support to families affected by domestic abuse.
- Family Lives provide support through online forums
The LGA has produced guidance, which is aimed at practitioners and managers in councils and partner agencies engaged in working (directly or indirectly) with people who have care and support needs, whose circumstances make them vulnerable, and who may also be victims of domestic abuse.
Pages 8 – 11 of the LGA’s LGA’s Tackling domestic abuse during the COVID-19 pandemic guidance outlines best practice to communicate the available support to people who may be at risk of domestic abuse.
Employment law and workforce
This information is hosted in our workforce section.
Finance and the economy
Many councils have told us that they are experiencing, or are anticipating, significant falls in income, additional costs and problems with cash flow. If councils are willing to share their information with us that would be helpful; please email [email protected].
The Government has provided several grants to local authorities to support COVID-19 related pressures in their area. A directory of grants and published allocations by local authority is included in the document below.
Councils have been working hard to urgently rehouse people currently sleeping rough and in high-risk, dormitory-style accommodation, to help protect them from COVID-19 and avoid wider transition.
The Government wrote to local authorities on 26 March setting out its approach and expectations of councils in detail. We are expecting further detailed guidance from Government imminently.
The LGA has published overarching guidance on support for vulnerable people, including those who are homeless.
The NHS and GPs have been working to identify and contact the most clinically vulnerable as part of ‘shielding’; asking these people to stay at home and avoid all non-essential contact for at least 12 weeks.
Some individuals – including people experiencing homelessness – may not be registered with health services and therefore may not receive NHS communications, or related support packages. If councils’ homelessness teams are in contact with these individuals, they are encouraged to coordinate with local health teams through local hubs, so that all vulnerable individuals can access local support being made available.
Additional guidance is available from Crisis and Homeless Link.
The LGA and ADASS have also jointly published wider guidance for councils on positive practice in adult safeguarding and homelessness for practitioners involved in supporting people who are homeless and at risk of or experiencing abuse or neglect.
Councils have been making significant efforts to ensure that people experiencing homelessness – including those sleeping rough, in night shelters, assessment centres and hostels – are safely housed and, where needed, isolated as part of wider efforts to contain COVID-19. Many councils have been working closely with hotels and B&Bs to procure accommodation.
Councils have experienced significant issues after a number of public venues were closed as part of the national pandemic response, and the LGA worked with Government to try and ensure these were resolved.
Government’s expectation is that hotels, hostels, and B&Bs should remain open where they are providing rooms to support homeless people through arrangements with local authorities and other public bodies. The homelessness minister wrote to hotels to this effect on 25 March, and guidance for accommodation providers has also been published.
Since then, the LGA has received direct offers of support around accommodation for people in housing need which councils might find useful:
A centralised Government hotel booking system, Crown Commercial Service, has received a number of enquiries from public sector organisations about venues for housing members of the public. Framework supplier, Calder Conferences, is helping those in local government secure the exclusive use of hotels and other venues for block bookings. They can be used to house rough sleepers and the asylum community along with providing accommodation for key workers.
If you require this service, please contact [email protected] or call 0113 397 9432.
Eviivo, a booking technology provider, has created the service Stays for Heroes, a portal searchable by key workers of accommodation open to them, including B&Bs, guesthouses, and small hotels.
We have raised with Government that councils need continued support to identify and procure additional accommodation. MHCLG is providing direct support to councils with procuring accommodation locally. If you need this support, please let us know at [email protected]
The Youth Hostels Association (YHA) is offering YHA’s hostels to others who might be able to use them temporarily in this period. They have already agreed arrangements with a number of councils to repurpose their hostels for the next few months, primarily for homelessness provision but also critical worker accommodation. They have model licenses in place and are offering this arrangement on a simple cost recovery basis. Interested councils can get in touch via [email protected]
Government guidance for accommodation providers states that people using holiday or caravan parks as their primary residence, or as temporary accommodation while their primary residence is unavailable for habitation, can remain on site.
The Government has written to caravan and park site owners to make clear that they should remain open for key workers and vulnerable groups.
We are asking Government to work more closely with accommodation providers to ensure that more units are available for potential future increases in homelessness-related demand.
The Government has published guidance for social landlords on essential moves to support vulnerable people move to new homes during the pandemic. The guidance makes clear that essential moves should continue over this period, where it can be done in line with social distancing guidance. This includes domestic abuse victims who may be fleeing abusive relationships, people who are homeless and leaving temporary accommodation or individuals leaving hospital. The Health Protection (Coronavirus, Restrictions) (England) Regulations 2020 are clear that moving home “where reasonably necessary” continues to be allowed.
On 17 March, MHCLG announced a £3.2 million emergency fund for supporting rough sleepers during the coronavirus outbreak. Funding will be available to all local authorities in England, who will be reimbursed for the cost of providing accommodation and services to those sleeping on the streets to help them self-isolate.
This is in addition to wider Government funding for local authorities to support responses to COVID-19 pressures across all services, including helping the most vulnerable, such as homeless people.
However, homelessness services are facing significant financial pressures from higher levels of demand as well as exceptional support costs, and we are continuing to raise the urgent need for additional funding to cover councils' costs.
We have also raised with Government the need to ensure that local housing authorities can claim local housing allowance at the newly increased rates, to help cover the costs of the exceptional number of placements which have been made in recent weeks.
MHCLG has published guidance for Building Control Bodies operating in England. This covers advice on temporary healthcare buildings and related facilities, and on adhering to social distancing. It seeks to strike a balance between enabling building work to continue where it is still safe and ensuring that work continues to meet Building Regulations’ requirements. It is intended to apply for the period of operation of building control during the COVID-19 outbreak while social distancing rules are in place and will be kept under review.
Individuals and families will not have to leave asylum accommodation once their claim or appeal has been decided, in line with national guidance for the next three months, with a review in June. Reporting requirements and substantive interviews are also postponed.
The Home Office and providers will work with councils to identify new accommodation as the number of supported asylum seekers grows, including potentially in areas that have not previously agreed to dispersal.
The Local Government Associations, lead Chief Executives and the Strategic Migration Partnerships will continue to work with the Home Office, accommodation and support providers, and the community and voluntary sector to minimise the impacts on councils and communities, and to ensure that the right support is in place.
Further information on support for unaccompanied asylum-seeking children is expected from the Department for Education shortly, with LGA, ADCS and other national partners raising concerns around placement capacity and costs.
We are seeking greater clarity from Government on support available to help councils assist individuals and families currently with No Recourse to Public Funds (NRPF), particularly single adults without care needs who are not usually eligible for social services' support. Those who are destitute and homeless because of their migration status need to be able to access safe and suitable accommodation to allow for self-distancing and self-isolation, healthcare and financial support.
This will include those already in accommodation provided by councils and those living in communities who do not have suitable accommodation or the means to acquire this in order to comply with Government guidance. The LGA and others are requesting a temporary removal of the NRPF condition during the crisis.
The NRPF Network has developed a factsheet on councils’ roles and responsibilities for supporting people with no recourse to public funds during the pandemic.
Individuals and families will not have to leave asylum accommodation once their claim or appeal has been decided, in line with national guidance for the next three months, with a review in June (see question above).
The Government has put measures in place to provide support for the sector, including a £500 million package to fund households experiencing financial hardship. Part of this support has been to extend the notice period for evictions and suspend eviction court action meaning that most tenants cannot be evicted before the end of June at the earliest.
Councils are focusing on helping people to access the support they need such as Discretionary Housing Payments, the hardship fund, and Universal Credit, and in many places have stopped arrears collection processes. Current guidance from central government means that no evictions in either social or private accommodation can take place.
During the pandemic landlords remain legally obligated to ensure properties meet the required standard, and that urgent, essential health and safety repairs are made.
The Government has published guidance for employers, employees and the self-employed in addition to guidance published for landlords, tenants and local authorities on essential works in the context of Coronavirus. They have also published sector guidance for employers on social distancing in the workplace during coronavirus, including businesses such as construction and tradespeople working in people’s homes. This advice complements the Government’s guidance for employers and businesses on coronavirus.
The Health and Safety Executive has also published further guidance setting out detailed advice on undertaking gas safety checks in a range of scenarios and on testing equipment which can be found here and here.
See also the Government’s non-statutory guidance for local authorities on the enforcement of standards in the private and social rented sector.
Government has published a body of non-statutory guidance for landlords, tenants and local authorities that applies to both the private and social rented sectors.
On evictions, colleagues at MHCLG confirm that where notice has already been given, the legislative provisions “lengthen the notice period required for all grounds for possession that can be used by landlords for an assured shorthold, secure, flexible, demoted or introductory tenancy or for tenancies under the Rent Act 1977”. It does this by extending the notice period that a landlord is required to serve on a tenant.
Where an eviction notice has not already been issued, “the legislative provisions require landlords to give three months’ notice of their intention to seek possession to regain properties that are let on a tenancy. This means that it will be three months before a landlord can apply to the court to proceed with any possession action”.
All tenants remain liable for paying rent and those who can afford to should continue to do so.
If a tenant is struggling to pay their rent, there are a number of supportive measures. Please refer to question 1 and the LGA’s guidance for protecting vulnerable people for more information about households with financial or housing vulnerability.
Government has published non-statutory guidance for landlords and tenants that makes specific reference to shortfalls in rental payments and encourages landlords and tenants to “work together to agree an affordable rent repayment plan if their tenants fall into rent arrears”. It advises that “early conversations between landlord and tenant can help both parties to agree a plan. This can include reaching a temporary agreement not to seek possession action for a period of time and instead accept a lower level of rent, or agree a plan to pay off arrears at a later date”.
For landlords, mortgage lenders have agreed to offer payment holidays of up to three months, including for buy-to-let mortgages. Landlords – if a mortgager – are encouraged to speak with their mortgage lender if tenants are unable to pay their rent.
The National Landlords Association has also issued advice for landlords about COVID-19.
A recent announcement from Secretary of State, Robert Jenrick said that the Government are working on proposals to ensure added protections for tenants once the eviction ban is lifted in June but, we await further detail.
On 31 March, MHCLG contacted all stock-holding authorities to advise them that they are aware that housing authorities may be unable to incur as much 1-4-1 Right to Buy receipt expenditure in Q1 (2020/21) as they had planned, due to the current public health situation and that in turn, this may lead to some of them failing to meet their required level of 1-4-1 expenditure by 30 June 2020, thereby obliging them to return some of their 1-4-1 receipts with interest.
They confirmed that the Ministry is monitoring the situation and will inform councils of any decision on this as soon as possible. We have been asking the government to extend the three-year spend requirement to at least five years.
MHCLG wrote to social landlords on 27 March recognising that there may be concerns about how COVID-19 could impact on councils’ ability to process Right to Buy applications within the timescales set down in legislation; and the implications in relation to the statutory delay provisions.
MHCLG made clear that while tenants should be able to buy their homes within a reasonable timescale, it is vital that everyone follows the latest government advice on COVID-19. It is expected that landlords will act in line with this advice when dealing with Preserved/Right to Buy applications; for instance, landlords are encouraged not to carry out face-to-face interviews with tenants, or to undertake physical property surveys.
As the timescales for the Right to Buy are in primary legislation, it is not possible for them to be disapplied or amended in the short term. But MHCLG are keen to understand the likely impacts for of COVID-19 in relation to the Right to Buy so that these can be factored into their consideration of the wider effects on social landlords.
Construction sites operating during the Covid-19 pandemic need to ensure they are protecting their workforce and minimising the risk of spread of infection. This includes considering how personnel travel to and from site.
The Government has published guidance for working safely in construction and other outdoor work as part of the new guidance to help employers, employees and the self-employed understand how to work safely during the coronavirus pandemic. The Government has set out a plan to restart the housing market, which includes measures to start building homes again, through a ‘Safe Working Charter’, enabling home builders to return to work safely, such as by staggering arrival times to ease pressure on public transport.
The Government has published guidance for social landlords to support vulnerable people move to new homes during the pandemic. Essential moves should continue over this period, where it can be done in line with social distancing guidance. This includes domestic abuse victims who may be fleeing abusive relationships, people who are homeless and leaving temporary accommodation or individuals leaving hospital.
Government guidance is also available on home moving during the coronavirus outbreak, which advises that home buyers and renters should, where possible, delay moving to a new house while stay-at-home measures are in place.
Mental health, mental capacity, isolation and wellbeing
With recognition the COVID-19 outbreak and measures including self-isolation pose definite challenges for mental health (especially among people with pre-existing mental health difficulties), there is a range of new guidance to available to support people in these new circumstances.
Public Health England have issued the following mental health advice:
This information is outlined in this briefing paper, collaboratively written by the Centre for Mental Health, the Association of Mental Health providers and the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network. The paper outlines work that statutory services are carrying out with voluntary and community providers in support of people experiencing mental health challenges and offers advise on how to build effective partnerships at the local level.
The LGA and Association of Directors of Public Health (ADPH) have jointly produced this practical advice for Directors of Public Health and others leading the response to the loneliness and social isolation issues arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The centre for Mental Health, the Association of Mental Health providers and the NHS Confederation Mental Health Network have published a briefing which looks at how statutory services are working with their voluntary and community providers to provide services for people with mental health difficulties in this crisis. The LGA was consulted in the preparation of the briefing, which gives practical advice on how to build effective partnerships at a time when mental health services will be in heavy demand.
The Department of Health and Social Care has issued guidance which confirms that the Mental Capacity Act 2005, including DoLS, still applies and has not been altered by the Coronavirus Act 2020. Questions on the guidance can be sent to [email protected]. The Office of the Public Guardian (OPG) has introduced a faster service to search their registers to allow NHS and social care staff to check if a COVID-19 patient lacking mental capacity has a power of attorney or deputyship court order in place, including a template letter.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Information on how to safely purchase medical devises for social care was provided recently by the Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA).
Please note that PPE is used when intended to be worn (or held) to protect the wearer. The market surveillance authority for PPE is the Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Medical devises are intended to protect the patient, and medical staff, and the market surveillance authority for medical devises is the MHRA. There will be many instances where a product is dual purpose and acts both as PPE and a medical device.
The central advice for care workers is outlined in the government’s latest PPE advice produced by Public Health England (PHE). This guidance is updated regularly in line with new evidence or infection control requirements. We therefore suggest you go straight to the relevant government guidance for your setting.
However, more specific advice has been published specifically for care homes and home care. Please find the latest guidance here:
How to work safely in care homes How to work safely in domiciliary care
Recent correspondence between Government and care providers recommends obtaining PPE through the following routes, in this order:
A. BAU supply chains and social care wholesalers
“We encourage all care providers to continue to use their BAU supply chains where they can. We know that there are issues where their BAU suppliers do not regularly stock the items they now need, or do not have enough stock to fulfil orders. To address this, we are supporting the existing supplier network by providing stock of PPE to wholesalers for adult social care… We continue to work with wholesalers to support this route of access to PPE.
Wholesaler arrangements are in place with: Careshop, Blueleaf, Delivernet, Countrywide Healthcare, NexonGroup, Wightman, Parrish and Gompels, Beaucare Medical, Halliday Healthcare Ltd, B&M Supplies and Protec.
We have confirmed with these wholesalers that they should be supplying PPE to CQC registered social care providers. There are alternative arrangements in place for the NHS.”
B. Local Resilience Forums
“If a care provider has been unsuccessful in obtaining PPE through their BAU suppliers or the seven social care distributors listed above, they can approach their LRF to set out their PPE needs.
We will continue to make drops of PPE for distribution by the LRFs to meet priority needs for the time being... We will keep in close touch with local partners as LRFs undertake this new role, to enable the best possible planning and distribution of stock locally; and we will work jointly to improve the flow of information, to target stock where it is most needed.
The LRFs have been advised to make decisions about the allocation of PPE equipment on basis of the most pressing clinical need, in line with published guidance.”
C. The National Supply Disruption Response
“To further support the system, we have mobilised a National Supply Disruption Response (NSDR) system to respond to emergency PPE requests, including for the social care sector. Providers who have an urgent requirement for PPE, which they are unable to secure through their business as usual channels, should contact the NSDR via the 24/7 helpline: 0800 915 9964 (Freephone number in the UK), and a Direct Line from overseas: 0191 283 6543. The NSDR has three core functions to support deliver of emergency PPE.
All care providers that can show an immediate urgent need for PPE and have not been able to access this through the wholesalers, or their LRF, are able to raise a request for an emergency pack of PPE through the NSDR.”
Government has published guidance for non-healthcare settings. If you are concerned about use of PPE in particular service areas in your authority, examples of issues on the ground helps us to continue to build a significant body of evidence which we are using to lobby to government. Please let the LGA know via [email protected]
For care providers, please follow the guidance above.
For councils, in addition to your business as usual (BAU) routes or any additional supply routes you may have initiated locally, you should be receiving PPE through emergency LRF drops. These emergency drops are expected to continue for the time being. You can find out more by looking at the Government’s most recent ongoing PPE plan.
However, we are aware that there are currently significant difficulties in obtaining the level of PPE supplies needed across the country. We are working closely with Government to resolve supply and distribution issues.
The government is working on establishing a new parallel supply chain and website through which to obtain PPE and we will share updates on this as soon as we receive them.
Evidence of issues on the ground helps us to continue to build a significant body of evidence which we are using to lobby to government on this issue. Do get in touch via: [email protected]
For small care providers, either residential social care providers with 24 beds or fewer or domiciliary social care providers with 99 clients or fewer, please see the information on obtaining top up PPE supplies through the government Online Portal.
The LRF PPE stocks are primarily intended for service providers that meet the following criteria:
- They have been unable to sources PPE from usual routes, resulting in a urgent need for further stock;
- Staff have close, unavoidable contact with confirmed or suspected cases of COVID-19, including within adult social care hospital settings, hospices and palliative care;
- They are willing and able to meet the latest clinical guidance,
Some primary care providers are also eligible to access stocks, including GPs, pharmacists, emergency dentists, children’s homes, secure children’s homes, residential special schools, children’s social care services in local authorities, mental health community services, prison and court officers, police, mortuary and funeral services.
The LRFs have been advised to make decisions locally about the allocation of PPE equipment on basis of the most pressing clinical need, in line with published guidance.
The government is trying to coordinate a national supply of PPE, to streamline the system and to minimise cost inflation.
Councils and partner organisations are free to source PPE through their own channels where BAU routes or LRF drops are insufficient, however they should feed in to government any known legitimate suppliers of PPE. Where new suppliers, such as local businesses, get in touch offering to supply or make PPE, you should direct them to register on the coronavirus support offer for businesses webpage.
We acknowledge that there may be a delay in getting a response by registering via central government, however at present it provides an opportunity for suppliers and products to be vetted and quality assured.
Evidence of issues on the ground helps us to continue to build a significant body of evidence which we are using to lobby to government on this issue. Do get in touch via: [email protected]
There have been a lot of concerns raised about the quality and ‘use by’ dates of PPE as there had been instances where PPE past their ‘use by’ date had been supplied to local resilience forums (LRFs). We have sought clarification and reassurance from the Resilience and Emergencies Division (RED) in Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG) following verbal assurances given by DHSC during weekly LRF Chairs calls, that PPE issued to LRFs was tested and despite any “use by” date labels were safe to use. MHCLG has now confirmed this in writing:
- All products being issued have passed stringent tests that demonstrate they are safe to use in line with relevant guidance. The PPE is exposed to extreme conditions for prolonged periods, to see how the product deteriorates. All that are not up to standard are destroyed and not distributed to service providers.
- Some items may be marked as out of date and in some cases relabelled ‘use by’ dates are added. All products that have been released for distribution have passed stringent tests that demonstrate a later ‘use by’ date is safe. This has been approved by the Health and Safety Executive.
- Due to the volumes of PPE that are being tested and released for distribution daily it is not practical to include a test report for those items which meet their original product specifications.
There is now a dedicated product queries mailbox run by NHS England which colleagues in LRFs can contact if they have queries on particular items: [email protected]. When you report an issue, please tell the team managing the mailbox the name of the product/manufacturer and the date you received this item.
This information is hosted in our Planning Advisory Service (PAS) section.
The first point of reference should be the most recent Procurement Policy Notes (PPN). Supplementary guidance is outlined in the paper on Payments to Suppliers for Contingent Workers, which answers key questions in relation to this subject including around the measures, criteria and administration of payments.
Cabinet Office have issued a number of PPN, which set out comprehensive guidance on public procurement regulations in the current environment:
- Procurement Policy Note 03/20: Use of procurement cards - COVID-19
- Procurement Policy Note 02/20: Supplier relief due to COVID-19
- Procurement Policy Note 01/20: Responding to COVID-19
- Procurement Policy Note 02/20: Guidance notes on model interim payment terms
- PPN 02/20: Additional guidance, FAQs and model terms for construction
Additional information is provided in latest PPN Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) paper, developed with support from the LGA. This paper provides clarification around a broad set of FAQs, including that:
- suppliers cannot claim supplier relief from local authorities alongside furloughed worker relief
- guidance around ‘open book accounting’ methods (required when following the guidance in the PPNs)
Cabinet Office advises that questions concerning supplier relief not covered by the FAQs should be directed to [email protected]
Since the COVID-19 outbreak started, Crown Commercial Service (CCS) have received hundreds of offers from suppliers still providing goods and services to the public sector at this time. CCS have captured this content in a catalogue of suppliers, which is available to local authorities and other public sector organisations. This portal makes it possible to search goods and services according to region and need.
CCS have asked that you contact suppliers directly once you have found what you need and recommend, to the extent that it is possible, that councils continue use the CCS framework in order to better ensure that procurements are compliant and secure.
CCS have also asked that councils call on existing commercial arrangements first. This supplier catalogue is intended to fill gaps where existing commercial agreements are unable to provide the goods and services public sector bodies need.
CCS Disclaimer: by using this catalogue you should know that any commercial arrangements you make with suppliers could be subject to the Public Contracts Regulations. You can find published advice from the Cabinet Office in Procurement Policy Note 01/20 on urgent procurement and the Regulations. If you are unsure what this means or have any concerns, you will need to speak to your legal advisers in each case. CCS has put this catalogue together to help match offers of support with urgent needs. Because we have needed to act quickly, we have not completed any assurance of the suppliers. You may want to complete your own assurance before entering into commercial agreements, depending on the urgency of the need and your own assessment of the potential risk.
The current pandemic does not, automatically, mean that there will be changes to existing PFI contracts. It is important that during this time there is regular communication between the authority and your special purpose vehicle (SPV), discussing ongoing service provision, resourcing, supply chain issues and any potential changes due to changing circumstances.
The flexibility and adaptability of contractors and contracts during this current time is essential. All sectors must work together to resolve issues to achieve a mutually beneficial outcome. Any solution must ensure that elements are only changed for an appropriate length of time. Some contractors are actively seeking the easing of contract terms, or making claims for financial assistance as a result of the Covid-19 crisis. The Cabinet Office has produced two procurement policy notes (PPN01/20 and PPN02/20) in relation to Covid-19 both of which apply to PFI projects. Updated guidance relating to supplier relief can be found on our website.
This link includes a guidance note “Model Interim Payment Terms” which provides a set of terms that contracting authorities can use to implement PPN 02/20 and a document containing a number of frequently asked questions (FAQ).
Some key elements of the guidance include:
- the onus is on the supplier to provide details of the payment that it requires and this needs to be done on an “open book” basis
- the supplier needs to be clear about the level of service it will continue to provide
- it will be important to understand which employees are “furloughed” and which are continuing to work (FAQ13). This may not always be straightforward if there are split roles and also if elements of the service are sub-contracted
Should you have any questions regarding your PFI contract, Local Partnerships’ PFI experts can support you in ensuring an appropriate solution is implemented that provides a solution for the current time. Please contact Local Partnerships via email to [email protected]
Public health
COVID-19 is the disease resulting from the most recent strand of coronavirus – the term used to describe a broader group of viruses known to cause respiratory issues. In most cases, people who contract the disease will experience it as a mild-moderate respiratory illness, however COVID-19 can also result in more serious forms of infection, including pneumonia and organ failure.
People who are pregnant, over 65 or who have certain pre-existing health conditions (such as those listed here), have a heightened risk of developing severe versions of the illness but serious cases of COVID-19 are not exclusive to these groups. It is important that all people follow the guidance to protect themselves and others against risk of transmission.
Health specialists have identified two key symptoms associated with COVID-19:
- a new, continuous cough – here ‘new’ means a newly developed cough, or a cough that has recently worsened; and ‘continuous’ means frequent coughing for more than one hour or three or more coughing episodes within a 24 hour period
- a high temperature – your back and/or chest feel hot to touch
If you are unsure whether you have COVID-19 symptoms, the NHS 111 online service can help you check and let you know what to do next — including how to get an isolation note, allowing time off work — if this is needed.
It is very important that anyone who thinks they may be experiencing COVID-19 symptoms stays at home for at least seven days after symptoms become present. They should not go to a GP surgery, pharmacy of hospital. After seven days, they can end self-isolation, provided they do not have a high temperature.
People should use the NHS 111 online coronavirus service if:
- They feel they cannot cope with their symptoms at home
- Their conditions gets worse
- Their symptoms do not get better after 7 days.
They should only call 111 if they cannot get help online.
Children and babies
Parents or carers should call 111 for advice if they are worried about a baby or child.
If they seem very unwell, are getting worse or you think there's something seriously wrong, call 999. Do not delay getting help if you are worried.
If sharing a house with others, it is important that all other household members do not leave the house for 14 days (this should start from the first day that the first person to become ill begins to show symptoms). If anyone else begins to show symptoms, they should stay home an additional seven days (regardless of when they began their 14 day isolation period). Their self-isolation can conclude after this, so long as they do not have a high temperature.
If you, or anyone else in your house, has begun to show symptoms, it is strongly advised that you read the Government guidance Stay at home: guidance for households with possible coronavirus (COVID-19) infection, which provides more comprehensive information and advice.
This advice is available on the GOV.UK website, which provides latest announcements, coronavirus press conferences and covers topics including how to protect yourself and others against the virus and information for healthcare workers and carers. There is also an option to sign up to get emails when any COVID-19 related information on the website changes.
Further public health information and advice is provided through the NHS website.
The Government has updated its guidance for provision of homecare. The guidance covers topics including getting the right PPE, care for those vulnerable to COVID-19, testing for those people being discharged home from hospital, the importance of getting vaccinated, expectations of councils commissioning home care services, data collection and governance, and sources of support for staff.
Test, Trace and Outbreak management
We have developed a testing, contact tracing & outbreak management Knowledge Hub for sharing resources, latest government guidance, case studies and all the current information. This also includes and resources from the Local Outbreak Planning Advisory Board that brings together 11 Beacon councils developing local approaches. You will need to sign up to the Knowledge Hub to access it.
More information is also available on our information and guidance to councils on COVID-19.
All upper tier councils have been tasked by Government to:
- establish a member led Local Outbreak Control Board
- establish a Director of Public Health led COVID-19 Health Protection Board
- develop a Local Outbreak Control Plan
An explainer on local outbreak plans, produced by the Association of Directors of Public Health, provides information to stakeholders, the media and the public.
The COVID-19 Local Outbreak Plans are intended to build on existing plans to manage outbreaks in specific settings; ensure the challenges of COVID-19 are understood; consider the impact on local communities; and ensure the wider system capacity supports Directors of Public Health. Effective outbreak management plans will need to become part of the wider workings across councils, health and the voluntary sector.
A document is intended to outline principles for the design of COVID-19 Local Outbreak Plans led by the Director of Public Health at Upper Tier Local Authority level, working with all key professions and sectors, with outline responsibilities for each defined. This document was produced by a working group including the Association of Directors of Public Health, Faculty of Public Health, LGA, PHE, Society of Local Authority Chief Executives, and the UK Chief Environmental Health Officers group.
All chief executives and DPHs received a letter from the Chief Executive of Public Health England on Friday 10 July which outlines the data sources on COVID-19 that are currently available to both councils and the public covering the activities of the Test and Trace service, outbreaks and broader surveillance. The publicly available information is summarised as follows:
- UK COVID-19 dashboard provides daily updates on COVID-19 tests, cases, hospital patients and deaths for every country of the UK. Data on cases and deaths are also available at the individual council level with some data on age and gender available for English regions
- From 10 July, weekly case numbers at middle layer super output area (MSOA), updated daily are available on a map and in a spreadsheet and from the 27 August weekly cases numbers by Lower Super Output Area (LSOA) are published each Thursday in a spreadsheet (in the “about data” section)
- The Weekly Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID -19) Surveillance Report summarises information from a variety of surveillance systems covering national data including on cases, age, gender, rates and ethnicity. There is also regional data and weekly rates of cases by local authority including a PHE top 10 of councils with public health responsibility with the highest weekly rate of cases. From the 7 August the publication also includes maps by Lower Layer Super Output Area for the week’s Watchlist councils
- On Friday 3 July, NHS-Digital released a public version of the Containment dashboard, Progression, this brings together coronavirus triage data (calls to NHS 111 and 999 and through NHS 111 online) with coronavirus cases to show trends at the single tier and unitary level in England. It has been complied to present the latest available information to highlight changes by UTLA or region. Data is updated daily to three days before the current calendar date to allow for data to mature so data may differ to that on
- National figures for the NHS Test and Trace service provides a weekly summary on the implementation and performance of NHS Test and Trace in England and Testing in the UK. Data on number of people transferred to the contact tracing system and numbers and rates of people reached are available as a map or spreadsheet at the single tier and unitary level
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) Infection Survey modelled estimates of current COVID-19 infections in the community broken down by age and region
- Coronavirus (COVID-19) statistics and analysis provides many publicly available data sources of numbers relating to the coronavirus pandemic in the UK.
Through a data sharing agreement with directors of public health, councils with these responsibilities can also access individual-level (full postcode, age and where available ethnicity) test and case data across pillars 1 and 2 on a daily basis. The letter also updates on PHE’s sharing of information on investigations of outbreaks and incidents and the dashboards and reports that are available to directors of public health. All data provided to councils can be aggregated and shared with other councils in an area.
It is clear that precise, granular information is needed in order to help councils track down and isolate any specific outbreaks or clusters. This data needs to be provided promptly and shared quickly, with councils at all levels, to ensure the swiftest and most effective response. We are working urgently with all the relevant organisations on further improvement to the data available to councils.
We are working urgently with all the relevant organisations on further improvement to the data available to councils.
We are developing our sector-led improvement offer for Testing, Contact Tracing and Outbreak Management. Councils and Directors of Public Health have been identified as critical in managing the next phase of the COVID-19 pandemic, with specific responsibilities for developing local outbreak plans and effective system working for managing a local outbreak. We have a peer support offer for Directors of Public Health and are developing support for leaders and HWBs; for more information contact [email protected]
We are developing our sector-led improvement offer for Testing, Contact Tracing and Outbreak Management:
- The DPH has a crucial role in the design and delivery of the local public health response. Our support offer, in partnership with ADPH, is flexible bespoke peer support for DPHs and their teams to create some additional capacity, with health protection expertise, for the local response to COVID-19. Contact [email protected]
- Support for local leadership - peer offer on testing contract tracing and outbreak management (pdf, 198KB) outlines support for chief executives and chairs of the health and wellbeing boards to identify readiness to respond to a local outbreak, alongside free peer support to help facilitate these conversations locally. It also offers council leaders, the chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board, and chief executive officers a checklist to establish if they are working in a way that would support planning for a local outbreak.
- It is important that national and local government learn about the best and most effective way of limiting the spread of COVID-19. If you are involved in work that might be helpful to share, please let us know at [email protected]. You can view our good practice webpage on our website, with more good practice available in the Knowledge Hub.
Our offer for members and HWBs is in development and for more information on this contact [email protected]
NHS Test and Trace intend to expand asymptomatic testing and have increased their supply of rapid lateral flow tests to be ready to be able to deliver the planned expansion.
NHS Test and Trace are working with local authorities to ensure collection of LFD kits is as accessible as possible. This will include community test sites. The expectation is for accessibility to grow substantially as Community Testing sites enter the programme and as workplace coverage of LFD testing increases. LTS will remain operational for symptomatic testing.
The British Parking Association, London Councils and the LGA have produced joint advice for councils on how they may wish to amend their parking operations during the current lockdown period. This advice contains information on parking charges for NHS, health and social care workers and NHS volunteers following the announcement on 25th March by Secretary of State for Local Government, Robert Jenrick, as well as advice on enforcement, including for blue badge that have expired.
On 6th April 2020, the government launched a parking pass scheme for NHS staff, health & social care workers and NHS volunteers, critical workers, who are eligible for free parking from local authorities. The pass will be distributed via employer networks to NHS staff, health and social care workers and NHS volunteers and will be accompanied by guidance about its use. A copy of the pass and guidance has been sent to members by the BPA and London Councils. If you require a copy please contact [email protected] or [email protected] as the pass will not be published to reduce the risk of misuse.
Given their concern with the ability of bus operators to continue to run services due to the availability of drivers and other staff, as well as passengers’ willingness to use the bus following the Government’s advice for the public to avoid any non-essential travel and to work from home where possible, the Government have agreed a financial support for bus operators. A new £167 million COVID-19 Bus Services Support Grant has been created and council’s local transport officers were sent details in a letter on 9 April (for details please contact [email protected]). This funding comes on top of other payments from the councils to bus operators such as BSOG, concessionary travel reimbursement, and tendered service contract payments as applicable under Procurement Policy Note 02/20: Supplier relief due to COVID-19.
Highways authorities have been taking steps to ensure that if roadworks can be done safely and whilst maintaining social distancing they can continue. A number of guidance notes have been written by the Highways Authorities and Utilities Committee, the body that brings together representatives from councils and utilities, working with the DfT. They give guidance on how work practises can be adapted to ensure works can continue.
They are also written mindful of the fact that restrictions on workforce, supply chain and working practises mean that it is unlikely that the industry will be able to work at full capacity. There is a specific note on which works should be prioritised in order to maintain the safe operation of highway networks if that is necessary.
DfT have issued temporary guidance on how councils can continue to make traffic orders during the crisis whilst staying within the spirit of legislation on publicising the orders to the public. The guidance deals with situations where publishing in a newspaper, erecting site notices and public displays of an order might be impossible.
You usually have the 2nd dose 8 to 12 weeks after the 1st dose.
Data from clinical trials have shown the vaccine is 94 per cent effective in protecting people over the age of 65 from coronavirus, with trials suggesting it works equally well in people of all ages, races and ethnicities. There were also no serious safety concerns reported in the trials.
Full protection should begin 7-10 days after the second injection.
Vaccination to at-risk groups till take place at the most appropriate settings to encourage uptake. This includes administering vaccination to at risk individuals in their usual place of residence. The three models of delivery are:
- Hospital Hubs - NHS providers vaccinating staff onsite.
- Local Vaccination Services - Community and primary care-led service based on local and logistical considerations but is likely to include GP practices, local authority sourced buildings or other local facilities, and potentially roving teams if vaccines are transportable in this way.
- Vaccination Centres - Large scale centres such as sports and conference venues set up for high volumes of people.
Recruitment of workforce has focused on those who already have experience in handling vaccinations but may currently work outside of NHS settings, for example, independent nurses or allied health care professionals.
The MHRA will publish information on the ingredients in a summary of product characteristics (SpC) or equivalent.
The Government is exploring all avenues available to them, to ensure that a treatment for COVID-19 is found. Treatments containing COVID-19 neutralising antibodies have been secured from AstraZenaca to support immunocompromised people who will not be able to benefit from a COVID-19 vaccine.
The antibody treatment currently being developed by AstraZeneca is a combination of two monoclonal antibodies and has the potential to be given as a preventative option for people exposed to the virus, and to treat and prevent disease progression in patients already infected by the virus if successful.
The full prioritisation list was as follows (in order of priority):
- Residents in a care home for older adults and their carers All those 80 years of age and over and frontline health and social care workers
- We continue to push for priority to be given to the millions of unpaid carers as well.
- All those 75 years of age and over
- All those 70 years of age and over and clinically extremely vulnerable individuals
- All those 65 years of age and over. All individuals aged 16 years to 64 years with underlying health conditions which put them at higher risk of serious disease and mortality
- All those 60 years of age and over
- All those 55 years of age and over
- All those 50 years of age and over
Vaccination policy has been decided nationally, based on evidence-based advice from the independent Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI), and is very closely managed. Councils do not have local discretion over the decisions and priorities made. View a briefing on vaccine prioritisation.
Like all medicines, vaccines can cause side effects. Most of these are mild and short-term, and not everyone gets them. Approved COVID-19 vaccines will be monitored continuously after roll out by the MHRA and PHE to ensure that the benefit of the vaccines continues to outweigh any risk. You can report suspected side effects to COVID-19 vaccines through the Coronavirus Yellow Card reporting portal.
A patient is currently required to have an NHS number, however you do not need to know it. Using other demographic identifiers, it is possible to retrieve the NHS number at the time of vaccination.
The NHS, working in partnership with Royal Voluntary Services (RVS) and Good Sam, has established the NHS Volunteer Responders (NHSVRs) scheme, with over 600,000 active volunteers. More information can be found at A wide range of professionals, including council officers and councillors, GPs, pharmacists, adult social care providers, police, fire services and charities can refer vulnerable people who do not have family, friends, neighbours or existing local voluntary organisations to support them. Referrers to NHSVR support are now able to make ‘bulk’ referrals using the GoodSam app via a nominated a ‘super user’ (or a number of super users). The NHSVR has also been expanded to enable vulnerable people and their families to directly request help via self-referrals. Referrals should be made via or 0808 196 3382.
The scheme seeks to complement rather than replace existing local voluntary sector referral mechanisms.
Priority is given to those identified as most at risk and asked to self-isolate at home for an extended period and to those who health practitioners and local authorities consider to be clinically extremely vulnerable and people who are not shielding but are vulnerable for wider reasons. These may include frailty, disability, pregnancy, social vulnerability or if they consider themselves vulnerable for any other reason, such as someone with Parkinson’s, epilepsy or a mental health condition. Volunteers are helping with tasks such as delivering medicines from pharmacies, shopping and regular ‘check in’ phone calls to offer telephone companionship.
Since its introduction, the LGA has worked closely with the NHS and Government to improve coordination and alignment between national and voluntary volunteering capacity to support vulnerable people.
The Government has produced guidance for volunteers, voluntary organisations and for people requesting help from volunteers about safety. It also produced a factsheet with Frequently Asked Questions for volunteers including information on the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS).
In addition, a number of national organisations have produced advice about volunteering including the NCVO and Volunteering Matters.
The Government has produced a factsheet and their own set of Frequently Asked Questions to address specific concerns of volunteers involved in supporting the vulnerable people in their community: It should answer all your questions regarding Safeguarding and the Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) for volunteers.
ADASS have produced a short guide on safeguarding adults for coronavirus volunteers.
Waste and recycling
Strict rules in place on social distancing have been removed and replaced by guidance. Government advice includes a number of recommendations on reducing social contact in the workplace.
The Waste Industry Safety and Health Forum have also published guidance on waste management activities in response to COVID-19.
Government has published non-statutory guidance on the prioritisation of waste collection services in extreme circumstances such as outbreaks of disease and extreme weather.
Please liaise with your Regional Principal Adviser to help us determine how we best support councils and inform our conversations with government.
Highlighted pages
Coronavirus: council information and support
Useful information and support for councils on novel coronavirus (COVID-19).
COVID-19: good council practice
Councils are doing remarkable work to address COVID-19, pooling resources, responding to new problems and coming up with creative solutions, including to recovery and renewal.