LGA & Zoom Video Conferencing Workshop - Q&A

A summary of the questions answered at the end of the Zoom webinar


The main issue for me is the zoom polling. Our Members were very exercised by the fact that it only displays percentages rather than voting numbers. The Zoom rep was incorrect in her answer – only the host/co-host can see vote numbers and it would be useful if this could be visible to all participants.


Thank you for your feedback! At this time this feature is not on the roadmap unfortunately. I know that this is not the best way to achieve this, but a work around today would be to use the screen sharing option to show these figures to the participants in the meeting. We will raise this as a feature request and provide feedback when available from our product team.


Another useful facility would be to allow a Member to change their vote before the poll ends if they realise they’ve pressed the wrong button. This would save a lot of embarrassment for the Member in question having to admit this in the meeting!


Currently once a poll has been submitted by the participant they are no longer able to change their response, we will raise this as a feature request for responses to be re-edited before the poll has been closed.


We need a system of voting that records a vote (Yes, No, Abstain) by Member. We were told in a meeting with Zoom last year that this was on the cards via Zoom Poll results being available in the meeting rather than at the end, but that turned out to be percentages/numbers only – we need names (not because we need names for the minutes unless it is a formal named vote, but so that Members, and the public, can see who voted how). Whether that was via a recorded Poll linking the Panellist or Participant (not Attendee) to the poll return during the meeting, or by the voting key (with Abstain added) being shown and recorded, it would replace the pretty clunky called vote system we have to use for full Council (43 Members) now.


This has been raised with our product team as a feature request, but this is not currently on the Zoom roadmap. We will continue to raise this with the product team and provide feedback when we have an indication when this could be added to the Zoom platform.


Whilst the host may be able to spotlight up to nine Panellists (nb, if what follows was sorted out we’d like to spotlight up to 25 [assuming the YouTube stream has this maximum of Panellists on screen – more if this was increased]), this doesn’t affect the YouTube output, with images still jumping around the screen as people speak. We’d like to be able to spotlight the feed.


We will raise this as a new feature with our product team and provide feedback when available.


Apart from mute/unmute, the key I suspect we all use more than any other is raise hand. This is ok for Webinars, where it is a stand-alone key, but nowhere near as good in Meetings where it is embedded in the reactions tab. The reactions tab is interesting, but removing the raise hand symbol from the main page (and the bottom of the participants list) to the reactions tab caused us issues – first it takes two clicks to get to it, second it is no longer available from the participants list (I’ve never understood why “invite” is more important than raise hand), and third if you reduce the size of the page window, the reactions tab disappears and since the raise hand isn’t available anywhere else you have to increase the window size > to open the reactions tab > to raise a hand…


We will provide this feedback to our product team, as a work around you can also use keyboard shortcuts to raise and lower your hand (for windows the shortcut is Alt+Y (https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/2 05683899-Hot-keys-and-keyboard-shortcuts). This is already a feature request, but does not currently have a release date. We will provide an update when this changes.


I understand that Zoom want to make Meetings popular for private (eg family) sessions (hence the reactions tab and all the weird and wonderful video filters), so perhaps one way forward is to give registered users the ability to park/store different keys/tabs in different places on the ribbon, akin to the Quick Access Toolbar in Microsoft products?


We will raise this as a feature request with our product team and provide feedback.


I’d like the Zoom windows to have a memory (or better the option of one?) so they (can) appear in the same places and with the same size as last time you opened Zoom. I generally use two screens and dual display, plus I un-park my chat and participants windows. I then move everything around so that I can see meeting papers, look at a shared screen, read a script, see who’s chatting, etc, etc.


This may be a more complex solution and may not be possible, we can raise this with the product team and see what feedback they are able to provide on a solution for this requirement.