Visit our devolution and LGR hub for the latest information, support and resources
Our principal advisers and regional teams manage our relationships with local authorities and provide a gateway to our support. Their regional perspective and significant expertise enables them to identify councils’ needs, provide advice, and connect councils with our comprehensive support offer.
Principal advisers
Please see below for the contact details of the principal adviser for your region
- Our LGA principal advisers have extensive experience of working at a senior level in local government and the wider public sector.
- Each principal adviser is responsible for one or more regions.
- We encourage councils to contact the principal adviser for their region to discuss their improvement needs and the comprehensive support we offer.
- Our principal advisers work with existing sector-owned improvement bodies at sub-national level and with colleagues to provide a variety of support including on children’s and adult’s services.
- With significant expertise and understanding, principal advisers can signpost to good and innovative council practice which, in turn, informs our wider improvement offer to the sector.
- Principal advisers contribute to our policy development and lobbying work, and help to identify councils that want to get more actively involved in these areas.
- Councils can also contact the principal adviser or email [email protected] to find out more about LGA membership.
Regional teams
Our principal advisers and regional teams utilise sector based expertise, including member and officer peers, to deliver our regional support programme, including the following offers:
- councillor and officer peer support – helping councils to build greater resilience and enhance political and managerial capacity
- officer and councillor peer mentoring – supporting councillors and officers to deliver priorities and manage challenges
- support and guidance to help councils to address severe issues related to performance and/or finance
- advice and assurance regarding organisational leadership, governance and risk management
- mediation to support relationships between senior councillors and officers
- tailored support to councils developing devolution deals
- top team development for senior political leadership teams to enhance decision-making and leadership capacity
- political awareness support for officers, including monitoring officers
- bespoke finance support, including access to financial improvement sustainability advisers (FISAs) – see our financial resilience and economic growth offer for more information
- signposting to resources and good practice on core council activity
- support to address workforce challenges – see our – see our Workforce and HR offer for more information
- regional networking events with shared learning opportunities.