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Quick self evaluation

Supporting adults with a learning disability to have better lives.

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The initial prioritisation process

Undertaking a full self-assessment covering all six domains in the Outcomes and Improvement framework is a significant task. To do it well will require a significant investment of time and other resources. Therefore, we recommend a phased approach is used. This involves identifying the domain(s) with the most improvement potential and working on it/them first. The Initial Prioritisation process to identify priority domains is a rapid and high-level process. It should be led by the director of adult social services and should including inputs from the senior management team, the learning disability service and key partner organisations. The Initial Prioritisation process involves looking at each of the six domains in turn and it has three steps:

Step 1: Review Outcomes and other performance indicators

The director of adult social services to review data on a small number of key outcome and other performance indicators for each of the six domains. In each case the director of adult social services should request that the performance team provide the data to show:

  • The trend in the last three years to assess the direction of travel,
  • How close performance is to local targets, and
  • Where available, a comparison of the council’s data with the same data from other councils considered comparable.

Step 2: Assess to what extent the main “enablers” of good outcomes and performance are in place

For most domains there are just two key enabler questions, but the “Enable the care and support system” domain has five key enablers. After steps 1 and 2 the director of adult social services should consider undertaking the full self-assessment process for any domain where (1) any enabler question cannot be answered with a confident “yes we do this all the time” or (2) where there is evidence that the associated outcomes are not being achieved” is a potential area for further investigation.

Step 3: Consider the findings from steps 1 and 2 and rank the six domains in order of the improvement potential

Rank the domains in priority order according to the potential to improve. The full self-evaluation resources can be found below:

  • Systems leadership, governance, and management arrangements
  • Understanding demand and using, prevention and early intervention (Incl. transitions support) approaches
  • Enabling the care and support system
  • Developing the local care and support workforce
  • Supporting people to keep themselves safe
  • Operating efficient and effective structures, systems, and business processes

Self evaluation questions