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Healthwatch resources

Healthwatch is the independent consumer champion for both health and social care. There is local Healthwatch, at local level, and Healthwatch England, at national level. The aim of local Healthwatch is to give citizens and communities a stronger voice to influence and challenge how health and social care services are provided within their locality.

Partners in Care and Health banner

Local Healthwatch organisations are a statutory service commissioned by local councils as part of the Health and Social Care Act 2012.

Commissioning support materials

These materials have been produced to support commissioners in establishing a local Healthwatch and then continuing to develop Healthwatch once established. The materials are up to date as of January 2015. Local authority Healthwatch commissioners can also find support materials and an area for discussion on Healthwatch commissioning, on the Knowledge Hub Healthwatch Commissioning Group.

Local Healthwatch Governance: a self-assessment toolkit for local Healthwatch and local Healthwatch Commissioners
This self-assessment is designed to support local Healthwatch and local Healthwatch commissioners in establishing successful governance for an effective local Healthwatch organisation.

Local Healthwatch outcomes and impact development tool version 2
This outcome and impact development tool has been designed to promote the development of local Healthwatch as an independent organisation that can effectively and efficiently deliver its functions.

Local Healthwatch Reflective Audit
This local Healthwatch Reflective Audit has been developed to help you understand how well local Healthwatch is working in your local area. It also helps you understand whether other organisations are introducing changes as a result of working with local Healthwatch.

How can local Healthwatch tackle health inequalities?
Report to the Local Government Association from the new economics foundation (NEF).

The voluntary sector – a key partner for local Healthwatch
This guide explains how voluntary and community organisations (VCOs) can play an active role in supporting local Healthwatch to provide a strong voice for citizens and communities.

Healthwatch: funding and procurement
The rules on when you can use grant and when you can use procurement mean there are many situations when a public body could use either. 

Healthwatch: children and young people
Local Healthwatch's duties extend to involving children and young people in their work. It needs to develop strategies for effectively involving children and young people, and particularly those who are most disadvantaged.

Developing effective local Healthwatch
Within the context of the Health and Social Care Act 2012 (‘the Act') a number of key sectors have come together to provide effective leadership and support for the successful implementation of local Healthwatch (LHW). It is hoped that this document will help local authorities both to commission local Healthwatch organisations and review how well their local Healthwatch delivers its roles and responsibilities.

Healthwatch on Health and Wellbeing Boards
This toolkit provides an overview of Healthwatch's leadership role on the board, some key characteristics and knowledge that your Healthwatch representative should have, and a framework for reflecting on personal leadership.