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Local government pay 2024 - update 7 August 2024

National Employers for local government services

Mike Short, Sharon Wilde, Clare Keogh
Trade Union Side Secretaries
NJC for Local Government Services
c/o UNISON Centre
130 Euston Road
London NW1 2AY

7 August 2024

Dear Mike, Sharon and Clare,

Local government pay 2024

Thank you for your letter of 1 August.

The National Employers recognise your reasons for seeking to secure a new pay offer in light of the announcement last week of funded pay awards to other parts of the public sector, following recommendations made by Pay Review Bodies that have been accepted by central government.

However, as the LGA said in its response to that announcement, it “…did not provide any additional funding for pay in local government.” Therefore, the National Employers are unable to accede to your request and must again reaffirm the offer made on 16 May as full and final. The offer, as we explained at the time, will be difficult to fund in a number of local authorities and anything beyond it would take many more authorities well past their level of affordability.

Looking ahead, the National Employers are hopeful that more secure funding from government, in the shape of long-term settlements, will assist in future years when we are considering pay offers to local government employees.

In the short-term, the National Employers are keen to begin work with you on redesigning the NJC pay spine, which we all agree is creaking under the pressure of the National Living Wage.

The LGA, along with the WLGA and NILGA will continue making representations to central and devolved governments for increased funding. In the meantime, the National Employers ask again that UNISON and Unite rethink their plans for strike ballots and instead join with GMB in accepting this year’s offer so that employees can receive their pay award and work can begin on the pay spine review.

Yours sincerely,

Naomi Cooke
Employers’ Secretary