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Briefings and responses

On behalf of its membership, the cross-party LGA regularly submits to Government consultations, briefs parliamentarians and responds to a wide range of parliamentary inquiries. Our recent responses to government consultations and parliamentary briefings can be found here.

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Westminster Hall Debate – Colleges Week 2024

Councils and combined authorities have an important and wide-reaching role in the skills system and their local economy. They are committed to working in partnership with their local employer base and further education sector to create a Post-16 education offer that works for businesses and gives every young person the chance to gain world class skills.

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Westminster Hall debate on skills devolution in England, House of Commons, 23 January 2018

Research commissioned by the LGA reveals that the skills gap is worsening. By 2024 there will be more than four million too few high-skilled people to take up available jobs, two million too many with intermediate skills and more than six million too many low-skilled.

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Skills and Post-16 Education Bill, Second Reading, House of Commons, 15 November 2021

Local government – local authorities (LAs) and mayoral combined authorities (MCAs) – have a crucial role in making the skills and employment system work for their areas, and have wide-ranging functions and expertise in the skills system.

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Skills and Post-16 Education Bill, Report Stage House of Lords, 12 October 2021

Throughout the pandemic, councils were trusted to lead the employment and skills recovery in their areas.

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Skills and post-16 Education Bill, House of Lords, Second Reading, 15 June 2021

As furlough ends, no community will be untouched by unemployment. It is vitally important that a joined up, place-based employment, skills and careers system offers adults and young people the recovery they deserve by providing access to quality education and training opportunities.

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Response to the Migration Advisory Committee call for evidence into the contribution of European Economic Area (EEA) workers in the UK labour market, October 2017

A key issue for local government is business continuity and the ability to plan for the sustainability of essential public services and that local private and public sector employers have a steady supply of the skills they need to thrive and grow.

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PQs: Skills shortages affecting business and industry

Councils and combined authorities have an important and wide-reaching role in the skills system and their local economy.

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Local Skills Improvement Plans statutory guidance: submission from the LGA

The Government’s approach to give local Employer Representative Bodies a lead role in articulating their skills need in Local Skills Improvement Plans is a step in the right direction. However, the wide-ranging role of local government – councils and MCAs/GLA – in supporting this process is missing from the Act and statutory guidance.

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LGA submission to the Work and Pensions Select Committee Welfare-to-work inquiry

The LGA is calling for powers, funding and responsibilities on employment and skills to be devolved to councils so they can plan investment in their area, reduce long term unemployment and maximise opportunities for joint working.

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LGA submission to the Work and Pensions Select Committee inquiry into Jobcentre Plus

Steps taken by DWP to influence the design of Jobcentre Plus (JCP) and co-design the Work and Health Programme with local areas are positive. However we are calling on the DWP to take a holistic approach to all employment services, and ensure funding for these services is devolved to all areas across England.

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