GDPR guide consultation events

Our GDPR guide has been in the works for a long time, which reflected in part how tricky bits of it have been to make. We held four consultation events to introduce people to the guide and to see what they thought about it.

We used the presentation below to pinpoint seven parts of the guide we wanted people to notice and comment on. It is undoubtedly still what to do about consultation responses that attracts the most attention, although our unscientific assessment suggests that people would be better off starting with their scanned archives and ensuring that applications connected with Gypsy and Traveller provision receive special care. 

The guide leaves the decision on whether to publish consultation responses to the Data Controller, but Richard offered a personal opinion when he said that probably he would lean against publishing responses from people acting in a private capacity. We have issues a follow-up survey to understand what people want us to do next, but we are definitely closing in on a final version of the GDPR guide. 

This deck might be a useful reminder for those that were in the room, but it may not make much sense unless you were there to hear the conversation. 
