The LGA Labour Group exists to provide a strong voice for Labour in local government. We represent and support Labour Groups in England and Wales and the Labour councillors within them.
Elections & appointments 2024/2025
101 Achievements of Labour in Power
Following on from the popular 100 More Innovations, the LGA Labour Group is proud to present “101 Achievements of Labour in Power” – showcasing the achievements of Labour councils and how
their achievements are making a positive difference to their
Guide for Labour Group Whips
The LGA Labour Group and Labour Party have worked together to publish a Guide for Labour Group Whips. This is in response to demand from Labour Group Whips, other Labour Group officers, the LGA Labour Women’s Taskforce and discussions with Labour Councillors. It is full of useful tips from experienced Whips and will be helpful guide for you regardless of how long you’ve held the role.
Communities Vs COVID - How Labour local government took on COVID
Over the last 12 months local government has faced unprecedented challenges to keep their communities safe in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. Our latest publication, Communities versus Covid, showcases the innovative work done by Labour councils over the last 12 months, the heroes in our community, and articles from leading Labour councillors about Labour councils, the pandemic, and where we go from here.
Labour Local Election Campaign Briefing
Ahead of the local elections this May, this housing campaign pack aims to give our Labour candidates and activists the facts and figures they need to turn their fire on the Tories and make the case for Labour.
LGA Labour Climate Emergency
Labour in local government champions this important agenda and are taking action up and down the country. The LGA Labour Group has produced a website and a number of resources to support Labour in local government in their work in this area, ensuring that Labour-run councils and Labour Groups have access to case studies, best practice, how-to guides, campaign materials and much more.
100 more innovations in power
100 More Innovations in Power showcases the innovations by Labour councils and the differences that this is making to the communities they represent.
Featured pages
LGA Labour Women’s Taskforce
The LGA Labour Women’s Taskforce was established in Spring 2018 to look at the challenges faced by women in local government, and what we in the LGA Labour Group can do to support women who want to become councillors and who are already councillors.

Parental leave policy for councillors
The LGA Labour Women’s Taskforce has drawn up a model parental leave policy that can be used by Labour Groups and by full councils.
The LGA Labour Group publishes a variety of reports to provide a strong voice for Labour councillors and to act as a platform for ideas and argument for all those committed to an effective localist element to Labour politics and policies.