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Councillor workbook: neighbourhood and community engagement

In this workbook you will encounter a number of features designed to help you think about the issues surrounding the development of neighbourhood and community engagement.

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Neighbourhood and community engagement has a rightful place as one of the key processes involved in planning and decision making. As such, it should not be viewed as an additional task, but as a core part of the business of local government. It is not a resource burden, but a way of ensuring that scarce resources are better targeted in meeting community needs.

This workbook has been designed as a learning aid for elected members. It makes no judgement about whether you have been a member for some time, or whether you have been elected more recently. If you fall into the former category the workbook should serve as a useful reminder of some of the key skills, approaches and tactics involved in neighbourhood and community engagement – it may even challenge you to reconsider how you have approached aspects of the role to date.