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A councillor's guide to digital connectivity

Digital connectivity is an all-encompassing term used to describe mobile or fixed connections to the internet. Being connected in this way has become part of the fabric of everyday life – as important to communities and businesses as a water, gas or electricity connection.

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This guide is structured to provide councillors with key information on digital

connectivity. It explores the main issues and challenges facing our local areas and includes hints, tips and case studies from experienced councillors who have already undertaken work to get their communities better connected. It also provides a brief overview of Government policy and a glossary of widely used terms. Finally, it sets out the vital role councillors can play in this area by:

  • educating residents, voluntary and third-sector groups and businesses on the benefits of faster, more reliable connectivity
  • bringing communities together to advocate for improved digital connectivity by applying for grants or aggregating their demand to persuade telecommunications providers to build the necessary infrastructure on their road
  • helping residents consider where it is most appropriate to build new digital infrastructure, such as a phone mast, to improve residents’ and businesses’ connectivity whilst conserving local landscapes
  • working in partnership with council portfolio holders, officers and other local stakeholders to consider the role your council can play in helping to improve communities’ digital connectivity.