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The Fire and Rescue Service: Making our Nation Safer

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‘Investing in our nation's future: The first 100 days of the next government' was launched last year by the LGA. It set out the challenges any new government will face in May 2015 and provided a local government offer that will help them deal with the most pressing issues.

Through their work to build healthy, safe and resilient communities, Fire and Rescue Authorities (FRAs) and their services make a major contribution to the country's shared prosperity, protecting people and places from harm and creating the conditions for economic prosperity. Although many of the proposals in the 100 days publication would be beneficial to FRAs as part of the wider local government family, this document presents specific asks and offers directly relevant to the fire and rescue sector.

This document sets out from an LGA and Chief Fire Officers Association (CFOA)perspective what the service offers to a new government.