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LGA Business Plan 2019 - 2022

This business plan sets out how the Local Government Association (LGA) will continue to support and be an advocate for councils in the next three years.

Every day councils make a difference, delivering essential services that improve the lives of millions. By building new homes, creating jobs and school places, providing dignified care for vulnerable people and boosting economic growth, councils support our nation to succeed.

Residents trust their councillors to make the right decisions for them and their families, now and in the future. As democratically elected leaders, councillors play a central role in meeting the challenges we face – whether by providing quality care, giving children and young

people the best start in life, combatting climate change and its impacts or helping local businesses to flourish. Councils provide clear and effective leadership to their places and communities that is successful, transparent and accountable.

This business plan sets out how the Local Government Association (LGA) will continue to support and be an advocate for councils in the next three years. Through our #CouncilsCan campaign we will make the case for a new settlement for English local government that gives councils and councillors the powers, freedoms, funding and certainty to transform lives and local economies, respond to climate change and lead the sustainable development agenda.

LGA Business Plan - 2020 Update

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