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Support for care leavers

As corporate parents to care leavers, it's our job to make sure that young people are ready for what's next, without worrying that if they make a mistake, they won't get another chance.

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Striking out into the world on your own for the first time is exciting and daunting for all of us. The opportunity to carve your own path and the newfound independence is a huge draw. On the other hand, learning to budget to keep on top of the bills, remembering to put a wash on in time so that you have clean clothes for work on Monday morning, and managing to keep the fridge stocked, let alone keeping yourself healthy – it’s a huge learning curve for any young person.

It’s even more difficult for those without supportive families to fall back on, or for those who can’t stay at home for other reasons. Those who have grown up, or spent time, in care don’t always have the luxury of a family home to return to if something goes wrong, or a parent to phone when they aren’t sure how to fix a problem. That’s where we come in.

As corporate parents to care leavers, it’s our job to make sure that these young people are ready for what’s next, know they’re supported as they take those first steps into independence, and to help them access the same opportunities as their peers have – without worrying that if they make a mistake, they won’t get another chance.