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Your search returned 92 results
Children and Social Work Act 2017 (Get in on the Act) COVER

Get in on the Act: Children and Social Work Act 2017

Find out more about the Children and Social Work Act 2017, which aims to improve support for looked after children, promote safeguarding, and make provisions about the regulation of social workers.

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A Better Start: supporting child development in the early years

A Better Start: supporting child development in the early years

This guide sets out concisely the reasons that the early years are so essential to future outcomes and wellbeing.

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A child-centred recovery - cover

A child-centred recovery

This document outlines our ambitions for a child-centred recovery, drawing together every aspect of policy and service delivery to create the places people want to live in and plan for the future.

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A maturing approach to children’s services improvement

A maturing approach to children’s services improvement: updating the key enablers of progress

The LGA commissioned the Isos Partnership to work with councils and their partners to understand the key enablers and barriers to sustained improvement in Children’s Services.

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Tooth decay publication cover

A whole systems approach to tackling childhood tooth decay

This report contains a whole range of examples of the steps that need to be taken to achieve success. Many of the areas included are places where there have traditionally been high rates of tooth decay, but where significant improvements are now being made.

A Youth Justice System that Works for Children

The LGA alongside the Association of Directors of Children's Services (ADCS) and the Association of Youth Offending Teams (YOT) Managers, have produced this joint policy position paper highlighting the challenges facing the youth justice system.

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Analysis of Ofsted Inspection outcomes by school type

Analysis of Ofsted inspection outcomes by school type 2023

A report by Angel Solutions commissioned by the Local Government Association (LGA). This report compares Local Authority (LA)-maintained schools, academies, and free schools using the overall Ofsted inspection grade as the primary benchmark.

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Best start in life: promoting good emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people

Children and young people's mental health services and social care can help to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. But it is councils and their partners who can play a lead role in trying to ensure problems don't develop in the first place.

Bright Futures – LGA's 7 point plan for children's social care

Bright Futures – getting the best for children, young people and families

Our 7-point plan for coordinated action across the public, community and voluntary sectors, to help offer the brightest future for children and families.

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Bright Futures: getting the best for 30 years

Bright Futures: getting the best for 30 years

Our new plan builds on Bright Futures’ successes and focusses our efforts for the coming year.

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