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Supporting Care Leavers – A Whole Council Approach

This guide aims to help all councils to improve their support for care leavers through a whole council approach. This advice applies whether or not your council has chosen to treat care experience as a protected characteristic, and we encourage all councils to work with local care leavers to develop their offers

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Establishing Local Healthwatch: engaging with children and young people

Establishing local Healthwatch (LHW) is a series of briefings produced by the LGA to assist local authorities and their partners in local communities and the NHS to support the commissioning, setting up and early development of local Healthwatch.

National child measurement programme briefing for elected members cover

National Child Measurement programme: briefing for elected members

They address a number of transitional issues relating to the transfer of responsibility for delivering the National Child Measurement programme, which moved from PCTs to local government in April 2013.

The council role in school place planning

The council role in school place planning: Making sure there are enough school places locally' looks at some of the measures taken by councils to meet the recent surge in demand for school places and gives a five-point plan which the LGA believes is necessary to ensure councils have the funding and power to create the further new places needed.   

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Tackling child sexual exploitation: A resource pack for councils

Child sexual exploitation (CSE) is a terrible crime with destructive and far reaching consequences for victims, their families, and society. It is not limited to any particular geography, ethnic or social background, and all councils should assume that CSE is happening in their area and take proactive action to prevent it.

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Transfer of 0-5 public health commissioning responsibilities to local government – self assessment

In March 2015 the LGA wrote to local authorities (LAs) inviting them to complete an online self-assessment about their plans to prepare for the transfer of commissioning responsibilities for 0-5 year olds from NHS England to local government on 1 October 2015.

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Think autism

Examples of how local councils support people with autistic spectrum conditions

Best start in life: promoting good emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people

Children and young people's mental health services and social care can help to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. But it is councils and their partners who can play a lead role in trying to ensure problems don't develop in the first place.

Healthy weight, healthy futures

Local government action to tackle childhood obesity

Education and Adoption Act 2016 (Get in on the Act)

An introduction to the Act and summary of the main issues on which the Local Government Association (LGA) lobbied.

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