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Tooth decay publication cover

A whole systems approach to tackling childhood tooth decay

This report contains a whole range of examples of the steps that need to be taken to achieve success. Many of the areas included are places where there have traditionally been high rates of tooth decay, but where significant improvements are now being made.

Best start in life: promoting good emotional wellbeing and mental health for children and young people

Children and young people's mental health services and social care can help to pick up the pieces when things go wrong. But it is councils and their partners who can play a lead role in trying to ensure problems don't develop in the first place.

Council social care support for people with lifelong disabilities

Council social care support for people with lifelong disabilities

The Local Government Association (LGA) commissioned this piece of research to identify ways in which the support offered from local authority social care services to people with lifelong disabilities (including their families) is working and how this could be improved, with particular interest in the transition of people with disabilities from children to adults’ services.

Engaging with schools and communities to support inclusive teaching of RSE COVER

Engaging with schools and communities to support inclusive teaching of RSE

This briefing provides top tips, helpful resources and case studies from seven councils, showcasing just a small selection of positive approaches going on across the country.

Establishing Local Healthwatch: engaging with children and young people

Establishing local Healthwatch (LHW) is a series of briefings produced by the LGA to assist local authorities and their partners in local communities and the NHS to support the commissioning, setting up and early development of local Healthwatch.

Healthy beginnings: Giving our children the best start in life

Giving children a healthy start in life is one of the most important jobs councils do and we all have a duty to make sure that children, along with their mums and dads, have access to the services they need.

Healthy weight, healthy futures

Local government action to tackle childhood obesity

Improving transition from children to adult mental health services COVER

Improving transition from children to adult mental health services

For the LGA, good mental health and wellbeing for children, young people and adults is an absolute priority. Councils have responsibilities for children’s mental health through their children’s and public health services, as well as their role on health and wellbeing boards and as local system leaders.

Making obesity everybody's business, front cover

Making obesity everybody’s business: A whole systems approach to obesity

Obesity is considered to be one of the most serious public health challenges of the 21st century. Without action, the health of individuals will continue to suffer, health inequalities associated with obesity will remain and the economic and social costs will increase to unsustainable levels.

National child measurement programme briefing for elected members cover

National Child Measurement programme: briefing for elected members

They address a number of transitional issues relating to the transfer of responsibility for delivering the National Child Measurement programme, which moved from PCTs to local government in April 2013.

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