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The Anti-social Behaviour, Crime and Policing Act 2014: Implementing the community trigger

This guidance sets out the statutory requirements for agencies and explores how the community trigger might be implemented locally.

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Tackling serious and organised crime

This guidance is for all those in local government who have a role in making our communities safer and protecting the most vulnerable members of our communities. It is aimed at leaders and members of community safety partnerships, health and wellbeing boards and local safeguarding boards.

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Fire and rescue services in England: a guide for police and crime panel members COVER

Fire and rescue services in England: a guide for police and crime panel members

The LGA has produced the document with Police and Crime Panel members in mind as its primary audience, but we hope it will also be of use to others who have an interest in developing their knowledge of how this essential public service is structured and governed.

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Policing and fire governance: guidance for police and crime panels COVER

Policing and fire governance: guidance for police and crime panels

This guidance has been produced for police (fire) and crime panel chairs, members and support officers and those with whom they work. It is intended to provide information about the statutory roles of panels and to highlight good practice that has been developed over the years since panels were first established.

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