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A white page with a pink bold title Local Government Association: Local Government Out of Area Placements.

Local government out of area placements guidance

Guidance setting out best practice and procedure on out of area placements in another local authority area within England. This applies to accommodation used to meet the duties set out in homelessness legislation, as well as when a local authority is supporting a child under Section 17 of the Children Act 1989, where this support includes provision of accommodation.

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Homelessness - Thumbnail

Report of the South West Homelessness seminar 17 March 2017

In light of rising homelessness and the Homelessness Reduction Act 2017 the LGA facilitated a seminar for senior officers from councils in the South West.

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Cover image for cllr guide to homelessness sector doc

A councillor's guide to leading the homelessness sector

In this guide, we seek to provide councillors whether in cabinet, scrutiny or their own wards, with some key information about homelessness.

bold pink text reads A practical approach for councils on dealing with empty homes

A practical approach for councils on dealing with empty homes

Bringing empty homes back into use can play a key part of local strategies to meet housing need. Not only are empty homes a wasted resource, they are often the subject of complaints and frustration for communities.

Building a better future: an assessment of the economic and social benefits of five-year housing regimes

Building a better future: An assessment of the economic and social benefits of five-year housing regimes

This report was commissioned to develop the evidence base to further support our six-point action plan for housing, specifically the point to roll-out five-year local housing deals to all areas of the country that want them by 2025 – combining funding from multiple national housing programmes into a single pot.

Building a movement through partnership

Building a movement through partnership

The country’s need for new housing – in the right places and at the right price – has become greater as the housing crisis has continued. OPE therefore puts a special emphasis on freeing-up land for house building, alongside other objectives of better services and efficiencies. 

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Building homes together: case studies of local leadership and innovation

This report by the Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA), supported by the LGA, sets out examples of local authority innovation in initiatives currently being undertaken across the country, covering both urban and rural areas and working in the face of a range of housing challenges.

Building post-pandemic prosperity front cover

Building post-pandemic prosperity

The economic and fiscal case for constructing 100,000 new council homes each year.

Combined authorities – collaboration on housing and planning

This report looks at how combined authorities have used their powers, resources and partnerships to achieve enhanced outcomes in housing and planning and how they are working with their constituent authorities to deliver these.

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Councillor Briefing pack: Sustainable Housing

Topic specific briefing packs providing guidance and advice to councillors on how preparing for a changing climate can help achieve wider local priorities.

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