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Your search returned 31 results

Hidden talents: young people and volunteering – A way forward

This is a joint paper between the Local Government Association (LGA) and Volunteering England. This paper builds on the LGA's ‘Hidden talents' publications and aims to start a conversation about the role volunteering can play in local authorities' support for young people who are not in employment, education or training.

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Hidden Talents: examples of transition of careers guidance from local authorities to schools

The LGA commissioned  the National Foundation for Educational Research (NFER) to collate case study examples of how local authorities are supporting schools in their enhanced role to provide independent and impartial careers guidance to young people in Years 9 to 11.

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Councils supporting youth transitions into work and learning

Councils supporting youth transitions into work and learning

The examples demonstrate how councils have been able to reduce 16 to 18-year-old disengagement to an all-time low and increasingly support older young people towards work. Evidence demonstrates the value of creating personal advisers for individuals, planning provision across places, and brokering leadership and support into work.

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Must knows children: Careers and raising the participation age (RPA)

The Raising of the Participation Age (RPA) requires young people to continue in education, training or apprenticeships to the age of 18 by 2015.

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Local authority schemes supporting people towards work

Local authority schemes supporting people towards work

This report, commissioned by the LGA and published by the National Institute of Economic and Social Research (NIESR), examines how a sample of councils, working with local partners, designed and delivered schemes to provide one-to-one mentoring, training, work placements and apprenticeships.

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Skills to build: creating the houses and jobs our communities need

Skills to build: creating the houses and jobs our communities need

Among other things, it finds that: • Government has set out an ambitious house building and infrastructure programme which will put demands on the construction industry. 

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Realising Talent: supporting people with multiple needs into work

LGA's proposal for a devolved employment support, put forward to the DWP and the Treasury in November 2015. 

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Skills for future growth: tackling skills gaps and supporting growth

A series of case studies which demonstrate innovative skills and employment projects

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Work Local - Our vision for an integrated and devolved employment and skills service COVER

Work Local - Our vision for an integrated and devolved employment and skills services - full report

Across the country, there are significant employment and skills challenges which we believe the fragmented national system is at best failing to address and, at worst, contributing to.

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Work Local Consultation: analysis of feedback - September 2017 COVER

Work Local Consultation: analysis of feedback - September 2017

This report summarises the key feedback messages from the LGA ‘Work Local’ consultation which ran between 5 July and 5 September 2017.

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