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The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to government announcement of coronavirus testing in schools

“Councils want to work with schools and local health teams to do all they can to ensure staff, pupils, parents and visitors can be in school settings, safely and securely, without risk of passing on coronavirus.”

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Young children playing together in nursery

Local government early years peer review programme hailed in independent evaluation

The Early Years Local Government Programme has been instrumental in helping councils shape priorities and improve services and prospects for children and families, an independent external evaluation has found.

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LGA responds to new government figures on looked after children

"Councils are now looking after nearly 16,000 more children than they were 10 years ago."

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Girl and boy surrounded by trees

LGA responds to Ombudsman report on councils’ children in care services

Responding to a report by the Local Government and Social Care Ombudsman on councils’ children in care services, Cllr Judith Blake, Chair of the Local Government Association’s Children and Young People Board, said: “Looking after vulnerable children is a top priority for councils, which work extremely hard to ensure that all children in care get the love and support that they need to flourish. This report provides useful guidance to help councils continuously improve to achieve this goal. “Unfortunately, many councils are being pushed to the brink by unprecedented demand and increasing

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Boy and girl looking out of window

LGA responds to Social Market Foundation report on child hunger

“No young person should have to go hungry and ensuring vulnerable pupils are provided for is a top priority for councils who have worked hard with their partners to support children and families during the pandemic."


LGA responds to ADCS report on children’s social care pressures

“This report reinforces the significant budget reductions councils have experienced and increasing numbers of children needing urgent help. As the impact of the pandemic becomes clear, councils expect to see a significant rise in referrals to children’s social care and demand for wider children’s support services."

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Students in classroom

Radical re-working needed for the high needs further education system

The high needs system for further education is not working and requires a radical shake-up, council and college leaders say today in a new report. The report, commissioned by the Local Government Association, the Association of Colleges and Natspec, the membership body for specialist colleges, highlights that the system is overly complicated, resulting in young people, their parents, councils and colleges facing challenges which have a detrimental impact on those students in further education with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND). It finds that key elements of the current

School children

LGA responds to Ofsted annual report

“The pandemic has led to rising numbers of families facing exceptionally difficult circumstances and councils have worked tirelessly with schools to keep them open and children and their families safe and well, through online and virtual contact and resources, as well as high priority home visits."

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LGA responds to new government funding to support schools during pandemic

“Unless this funding is made more long-term and less restrictive, more schools may have to close after having spent their budgets on supply teachers, which will only serve to exacerbate growing attainment gaps.”

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LGA responds to Spending Review children’s services funding

“The extra funding for adult and children’s social care announced today is positive but will not on its own be enough to tackle the significant challenges facing children’s social care which was already under strain prior to the pandemic as a result of increasing demand and long-term funding reductions."

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