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Transitional safeguarding resources

This resource is a one-stop-shop in response to a request from the attendees to the Transitional Safeguarding webinars run by Partners in Care and Health (PCH). It has been developed by the Transitional Safeguarding Reference Group, hosted by PCH. 

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The reference group was set up after the launch of the Chief Social Worker’s briefing on this topic, which includes herself, and senior leaders from Research in Practice, British Association of Social Workers, NWG, the Association of Directors of Adult Social Services safeguarding policy group, Safeguarding Adults Board (SAB) Chairs, academics, etc. with associated colleagues informed of relevant activities who provide links to relevant networks and sectors.

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These resources were authored by Dr Adi Cooper OBE, Care and Health Improvement Adviser (London Region and Safeguarding Adults), Partners in Care and Health (PCH). 

The advisory groups were: 

  • Dr Ruth Allen, Chief Executive Officer, British Association of Social Workers 
  • Steve Baguley, Community and Education Leaf, NWG network 
  • Dr Anusree Biswas Sasidharan, Programme Adviser, Partners in Care and Health 
  • Professor Christine Cocker, Head of Social Work, University of East Anglia Seona Douglas, Independent Consultant in Social Work 
  • Dez Holmes, Director, Research in Practice 
  • Fran Leddra, Independent Consultant in Social Work, Safeguarding and Adult Social Care Social Work England Inspection Partner Professor 
  • Michael Preston-Shoot, Emeritus Professor of Social Work, University of Bedfordshire
  • Lyn Romeo, Chief Social Worker for Adults at the Department of Health and Social Care