The LGA Conservative Group is the national voice for Conservative local government.
We are here to support both Conservative council groups and Conservative councillors. Conservatives are leading the way in local government, embracing the new localist agenda, protecting frontline services and offering value for money. The LGA Conservative Group currently has four full time members of staff and is based in 18 Smith Square, Westminster, London.
Head of Office
Angela Page
Direct line: 020 7664 3223, mob: 07957 201 136
email: [email protected]
Political Advisor
Paul McCannah
Direct line: 020 7664 3254, mob: 07747 564 920
email: [email protected]
Political Administrator
Courtney Waldowski
Mobile: 07768 020 373
Political Officer
Kyle Evans
Direct line: 020 7187 7347
Mobile (preferred): 07783 425 203
Email: [email protected]
Contact us
Address: 18 Smith Square, London SW1P 3HZ
Telephone: 020 7664 3264
Useful contacts
The Conservative Councillors’ Association (CCA) exists to provide a strong and unified voice for all Conservative councillors within the Party and in the wider community. The CCA supports councillors in their important role and provides them with the tools to both work effectively on behalf of local residents and to campaign successfully as Conservatives.
The Conservative Women's Organisation (CWO) works for the women members of the Conservative Party and represents their views to the Party Leader, Chairman and MPs. They also organise workshops and events to encourage more women to stand for public office in particular as a councillor.