Liberal Democrat motion from the Hull City Council Group on Extending the Furlough Scheme

Council notes the announcement from the Chancellor - on the eve of the Furlough Scheme expiring on 31 October, 2020 - finally announcing an extension to the scheme until March, 2021.

Council welcomes the fact that HM Government - after months of pressure from cross-party MPs, unions, business owners and employers - finally agreed to an extension. However, Council also notes that the lateness of this decision will have cost businesses and individuals an untold amount as they were left in uncertainty.

Council notes the huge negative impact that the Coronavirus outbreak has had - and continues to have - on employment figures in Hull. Council recognises that, people across our City need the certainty and support to know that they have a job going forward.

Council calls on the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor, urging him to commit to extending the Furlough Scheme until at least June, 2021. This extension would give businesses and employers - across Hull and nationwide - time to breath and plan, saving jobs in the long term.