Air quality and sustainable transport - Group Leader's Comment - 31 August 2018

Councils are working hard to reduce congestion and improve air quality, essential for our health and that of our environment.

Measures so far include promoting cycling and walking to work, school and for leisure, encouraging electric vehicles instead of diesel, investing in cleaner buses, managing air quality networks and setting up low emission zones, planning in ways that improve air quality and engaging with businesses to help them improve their environmental impact.

But our survey shows that our councils are hampered by lack of funding and uncertainty over the funding we have.

We have lost 60 pence in the pound of the money from central taxes, money needed for local services. That leaves us seriously short, almost £8 billion by 2025. We are calling for secure long-term funding and for 2 pence per litre of the fuel duty we already pay to be reinvested into local road maintenance. That would generate £1 billion per year for roads, reducing congestion and promoting sustainable travel.