Lancashire County Council

Lancashire County Council can only be as effective, relevant and vibrant as the people elected to run it. The council needs councillors who are capable, energetic and engaged, with a commitment to local people and a passion for change.

Be A Councillor information evening
Wednesday 5 February 2025, 6.00pm
County Hall, Preston (entry from 5.30pm)

Are you passionate about serving your community and pushing for positive change? Then you could have what it takes to #BeACouncillor!

Ahead of the county council elections in May 2025, we're raising awareness of this rewarding role and we're looking for people who want to make a difference to residents across Lancashire.

If you're considering becoming a councillor or want to find out more about the role of a councillor, you are invited to come along to an information evening.

There will be an opportunity to find out more about the county council, the role of councillors, ask questions about the election process and informally speak with council officers about the support available.

Book your place

What matters to you in your local area? Is it providing more things for young people to do, improving services for older people, making the roads safer or ensuring that local businesses can thrive? Whatever needs changing in your local area, you could be the person to change it by becoming a county councillor.

Decisions made by councillors affect the lives of everyone in the area in countless ways. Representing the population of 1.27 million across Lancashire, understanding the issues and concerns they face and taking action are the most important tasks that any councillor undertakes.

Hear from some of our councillors talking about the role of a county councillor.