
The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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LGA responds to latest delayed transfers of care figures

No one's elderly parent, grandparents or friends should be left unnecessarily in a hospital bed, when they could be treated in the comfort and dignity of their own home.

View allAdult social care articles

'Home-owning hopelessness' as private renters fear they'll never get on property ladder

Nearly two thirds (63 per cent) of private renters in England never expect to buy their own property because they won’t be able to afford one, as councils warn of the nation's growing "home-owning hopelessness".

View allHousing and planning articles

Obesity crisis: more than 600 young people have type 2 diabetes

“It is vital that the measures in the childhood obesity plan improve the health of young people, and can help parents make more informed choices about the eating habits and lifestyles of their children.”

View allPublic health articles

'Councils cannot afford to carry out work on high rises' - LGA latest on fire safety tests

Councils with a combination of ACM cladding and insulation on their high-rise blocks have already taken steps and put in measures to reassure residents about safety.

View allFire and rescue articles

LGA responds to Action for Children's 'Revolving Door' report

"This report rightly recognises the increased pressures facing local authorities when it comes to protecting vulnerable children."

View allChildren and young people articles
View allChildren's social care articles

LGA responds to Lancet study on care home places

“This analysis reinforces the urgent need to reform adult social care and deliver a long-term sustainable solution."

View allAdult social care articles

New resource to help councils on a tight budget invest in culture

Arts Council England and the LGA have developed their first ever online resource to help councils develop innovative ways to invest in culture.

View all Sector-led improvement articles

LGA: simplify EU rules over how councils buy goods and services after Brexit

Simpler rules regulating how councils buy goods and services after Brexit could boost local growth and create jobs.

View allBrexit articles

LGA responds to Stop Smoking statistics

Councils, which are responsible for public health, run a range of innovative programmes to help people quit smoking and have taken great strides in helping people to stub out tobacco for good. Despite this, smoking is still the leading cause of preventable death, responsible for nearly 79,000 deaths a year.


Confidence in new builds falls as average house in England will have to last 2,000 years

The average new home in England will have to last 2,000 years if the sluggish rate of house building and replacement continues, the Local Government Association warns today.