
The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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More of the same is not an option for health and adult social care

‘Shifting the Centre of Gravity: Making place-based, person-centred health and care a reality’ is being launched today by the Local Government Association, NHS Clinical Commissioners, Association of Directors of Adult Social Services, the Association of Directors of Public Health, the NHS Confederation and NHS Providers.

View allAdult social care articles

LGA responds to Government announcement on primary and community healthcare

"Greater investment in community support is the surest way to reduce hospital admissions and help the health and care system become more sustainable in the long-term."

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Young woman in an alleyway

Response to independent review on Mental Health Act

“It’s good to see mental health finally getting the focus that it deserves. The report makes some important recommendations about how to bring the Mental Health Act up to date and give people a stronger say in their treatment. It’s positive that the review listened to local government and recognises the role of community mental health services in preventing people from reaching crisis point in the first place. “The LGA has consistently called for a re-focus in mental health services away from medicalisation and treating mental ill health to early intervention and support for recovery through

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LGA responds to Terrence Higgins Trust warning on public health budget cuts

"We have repeatedly argued that reductions to councils’ public health budgets is short-sighted and needs to be reversed otherwise they will undermine the objectives we all share to improve the public’s health."

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LGA responds to Coram family and childcare trust's annual older people's care survey

“Councils are doing everything in their power to provide high quality adult and social care support to adults of all ages in very difficult circumstances."

View allAdult social care articles

Help look out for the vulnerable during big freeze, councils urge

People are being urged to ensure vulnerable friends, neighbours and relatives are safe when the big freeze bites, with a high chance of snow and ice in parts of the country.

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Councils respond to cut in public health grants allocation

The Government has announced an extra £20 billion for the NHS, but is now taking vital money away from the services which can be used to prevent illness and the need for treatment later down the line.

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Supporting carers at Christmas

Christmas is a time for caring and sharing, and unpaid carers across the country will be continuing to provide care for their loved ones throughout the festive season. Unpaid carers are the backbone of our care system.

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Response to latest delayed transfers of care figures

Over recent years, councils have protected adult social care relative to other services. But the scale of the overall funding picture for local government as a whole means adult social care services still face a £3.6 billion funding gap by 2025, just to maintain existing standards of care.

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young boy

LGA responds to RCPCH state of child health report

“This report rightly reinforces our call for public health funding reductions to be reversed, in order to help councils protect children’s health and reduce inequalities."

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