
The LGA's media office provides the national voice of local government in England and Wales on the major issues of the day for national, regional and local press.

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Coronavirus: LGA on public health funding and potential impact on services

“Councils need adequate resources and funding certainty to not only cope with this immediate coronavirus crisis but to continue providing other vital public health services for the long term."

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Coronavirus: Government should consider asking retired care workers to return to work - LGA

Retired care workers being asked to return to work could help support those most at risk of the coronavirus outbreak and provide a much-needed boost to an already over-stretched social care workforce, say council leaders.

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Three green surgical face masks on a table

Coronavirus: 'Clipper' PPE service needed now, councils urge

The Government’s “Clipper” system intends to provide a central hub for the supply and distribution of PPE. However, it is yet to be fully up and running following a delay in going live and could take at least another three weeks before it gets up to speed.  Social care workers and other council service staff continue to risk their lives in keeping essential services going, including supporting our elderly and most vulnerable people, due to a chronic lack of masks, gowns, visors, goggles and other life-saving kit. The LGA suggests that councils and local areas could each need access to

A glass vial with a red lid and a label saying '2019-NCOV'

Coronavirus contact tracing at risk unless vital info shared with councils

Crucial data must be shared with councils to make use of their local knowledge and expertise and ensure vital national efforts to track and trace coronavirus succeed, the LGA warns today.

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Colourful canteen meals

Concerning food inflation rise impacts on children’s health - LGA responds to SAPHNA report into children’s health and cost of living

The value of the Healthy Start voucher scheme for families should be increased to keep pace with the rising cost of food.

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Childhood Obesity Trailblazers announcement: LGA response

“These trailblazer councils have been chosen to help develop, deliver, review and expand their innovative plans to tackle this epidemic at a local level, which can then be shared with their peers more widely."

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Carer supporting person

Care Act 10 years on: LGA survey lays bare urgent action needed in adult social care

Councils are doing all they can to ensure they meet their duties under the Care Act - including cutting spending on other neighbourhood services - but many still fear they will not be able to over the coming years.

An older man and a younger man with down syndrome smiling at each other

Budget 2020: LGA responds to Transforming Care funding announcement

“Councils must also be able to quickly access this funding, so they can build upon the progress they have made to date."

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Budget 2020: LGA responds to coronavirus measures

"The Government has pledged a £5 billion fund for NHS and public services coping with the coronavirus and look forward to seeing the full details."

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Budget 2017: LGA responds to social care funding

Lord Porter, Chairman of the Local Government Association, responded to the Chancellor's Budget announcement that councils will receive £2 billion extra funding for social care over the next three years.

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